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Land use -- Planning -- Oregon, Regional economics, Portland State University -- Economic aspects, Economic impact analysis

Physical Description

20 pages


Portland State University's contribution to the metropolitan Portland economy is both diverse and considerable. A 1982 study estimated that the expenditures made by the University, its faculty and staff, and its full-time students generated over $150 million in gross output in the region. Given the changes that have taken place over the past five years, a re-examination of the University's economic impacts is warranted. This report examines Portland State University's contribution to metropolitan economic activity based on data from the 1985-86 academic year.

The approach taken in this report differs in several respects from the 1982 study. In addition to estimating the effects of University, faculty/staff, and student expenditures, this report estimates the increase in metropolitan economic activity attributable to the University's alumni. A model of the metropolitan economy permitting more detailed analysis of sectoral output and employment changes generated by the University has also been developed in the interim. Thus the estimates reported here will differ from the earlier study due to changes that the University has experienced and to differences in the model used to estimate economic impacts.


Catalog Number SR008.

A product of the Center for Urban Studies, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University.

Persistent Identifier
