First Advisor

Idowu Jola Ajibade

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Geography








This study described the roles of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) in Metro Manila and how climate-induced hazards impact the role of the military. It used a qualitative approach, which involved semi- structured interviews among AFP officers and barangay leaders with expertise and experience in DRRM and an analysis of selected policy documents and military doctrine. These methods revealed that: (1) the military acts as a political first-aid, since they are the first responders – thus, the face of the local government – in climactic disasters during peacetime; (2) the military is an instant materiel upgrade for local government units that have limited capacity in responding to disasters, and; (3) the military performs as disaster managers, oftentimes taking up civilian functions in key government officers, NGOs, and civil society.

While the AFP plays a vital role in ensuring public safety and maintaining order during and after climatic disasters, the AFP officers and barangay leaders interviewed repeatedly expressed the importance of preparedness and risk reduction in addressing climatic disasters. Thus, they help enforce evacuation orders, prevent looting and other criminal activities, and support the overall security of affected communities. Their presence provides reassurance and stability, allowing relief and recovery operations to proceed smoothly. They actively participate in capacity-building initiatives, training programs, and disaster simulations to enhance their readiness and response capabilities. By improving their preparedness, the AFP aims to minimize the impact of climatic disasters on Manila and its residents. Overall, the AFP’s involvement ranges from immediate assistance to long-term recovery efforts, safeguarding lives, and well-being in the face of climate-related hazards. And as natural disasters and conflict is increasing, there will be an increased demand for humanitarian assistance, sometimes in areas that are also impacted by an ongoing conflict. In the case of Metro Manila, principled and historically sensitive humanitarian civil-military coordination is essential to the safety and security of residents.


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A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geography.

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