Document Type
Publication Date
Natural resource management, Aquatic weeds -- Pacific Northwest
This document contains a quick, non-technical, pictured-based field guide to aquatic weed species in Oregon and throughout the Pacific Northwest. It contains approximately 50 common, newly emerging, and watch list exotic weeds and common native look-alike plants. The intended audience for this guide includes weed professionals, restoration practitioners, land managers, professional botanists, and amateur naturalists.
Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license:
All photos CC BY-NC 4.0 Gabriel Campbell:
EXCEPT the following: habit and flowering pictures of Lysimachia vulgaris which are (CC BY-SA) Beth Myers-Shenai via OregonFlora, flower picture of Najas flexilis which is (CC BY-SA) Gerald D. Carr via OregonFlora, and all photos of Hydrilla verticillata which are © 2001 California Department of Food and Agriculture.
Persistent Identifier
Citation Details
Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2024. Quick Guide to Aquatic Weeds of Oregon, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0.
This poster presentation describes how to use the Quick Guide to Aquatic Weeds of Oregon, a pictured-based field guide developed by Center for Lakes and Reservoirs staff at Portland State University. This field guide is for aquatic weed species in Oregon and throughout the Pacific Northwest and contains approximately 50 common, newly emerging, and watch list exotic weeds, and common native look-alike plants.
Included in
Biodiversity Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Plant Sciences Commons
Version 1.0