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Natural resource management, Aquatic weeds -- Pacific Northwest


Spartina (cordgrass) species are invasive plants that threaten the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America. This document contains a literature review, map of known occurrences, and identification guide of Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest.


Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license:


Version 1.0

Supplemental files:
Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina alterniflora (saltwater cordgrass). In: Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0. Available at:

Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina × townsendia (Townsend's cordgrasss). In: Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0. Available at:

Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina anglica (English cordgrasss). In: Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0. Available at:

Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina densiflora (dense-flowered cordgrass cordgrasss). In: Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0. Available at:

Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina patens (saltmeadow cordgrasss). In: Campbell G., A. Newcomb, and J. Rose. 2023. Spartina species invasive in coastal salt marshes and mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs, Portland State University, Version 1.0. Available at:

Persistent Identifier
