Circa Date

Image: JPG; File size: 896 KB
Original Format
Photo print
Original Size
3.5 x 5
Pictured: woman in striped dress seated on upholstered, covered chair; folded newspaper behind her. To her left, a door (with deadbolt, possibly leading outdoors).
Handwritten on back: "Here's a snapshot of Vern in her living room at home. When I get some of the kids I'll send you one." See Historic photos, Loose photo 28B.
From envelope marked "Pictures of inside of house at 1141 NE Webster."
All dates (unless specified in inscription) are approximate.
Many of the individuals depicted in these photographs remain unknown. Oregon Black Pioneers appreciates and welcomes information from the public which could help identify the subjects of this collection.
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“Courtesy of Oregon Black Pioneers Historic Photograph Collection, Special Collections & University Archives, Portland State University Library. [Image title]”
Persistent Identifier