People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program

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Rob Hallyburton was interviewed on April 19, 2024, by Michael Rupp in Dundee, Oregon.
Rob Hallyburton served over 20 years at the Department of Land Conservation and Development as a regional representative, division manager, and policy analyst, and has also worked as a local government planner. He specializes in rural planning and development, farm and and forest land use and protection, and natural resources.
"People and the Land" is a collaboration between the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and Portland State University. The goal of this project is to document and preserve a record of Oregon’s land use program through the recording, transcription, collection and archiving of personal oral histories.
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Recommended Citation
Hallyburton, Rob and Rupp, Michael, "Interview with Rob Hallyburton" (2024). People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program. 73.