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Occupational Health Science
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Work -- Psychological aspects, Experience Sampling Methods -- Psychology
The social support paradox describes mixed findings on the effects of social support on well-being. An application of the person-environment fit perspective can address the paradox by reasoning that similar quantities of social support needs and social support supplies should result in optimal well-being outcomes. We integrate a person-environment fit perspective with self-determination theory in an examination of the relationship between workplace instrumental support and emotional exhaustion through a two-week experience sampling method study. Fifty-nine participants responded to questions about desired quantities of work-related help from their colleagues (coworkers and supervisors) and their perceived quantities of work-related help after work and before bed. Participants responded to questions about their emotional exhaustion levels before bed. We utilized polynomial regression and response surface analyses to examine within-person. Within-person results indicate a stressor effect, such that daily unmet support needs are associated with daily higher emotional exhaustion.
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Published as: Paoletti-Hatcher, J., Misisco, A. T., & King, E. B. (2024). When Help Hurts: Workplace Instrumental Support and Employee Emotional Exhaustion Within-Person. Occupational Health Science.
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as: Paoletti-Hatcher, J., Misisco, A. T., & King, E. B. (2024). When Help Hurts: Workplace Instrumental Support and Employee Emotional Exhaustion Within-Person. Occupational Health Science, 1-19.