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Reconstructability Analysis, information theory, machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, entropy, data mining
Reconstructability analysis (RA) dates back to the pioneering work of Ashby in the mid-1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s, RA was the subject of very active research in the systems community. It receded for a time as a focus of activity, but the special issue of the International Journal of General Systems in 1996 on the General Systems Problem Solver and the special IJGS issue in 2000 on Reconstructability Analysis in China marked the renewal of interest in this area. The current volume is part of this resurgence of activity. It collects together papers from the group at Portland State University (Portland, Oregon, USA), from the Chinese RA workers, and from other investigators. It is evident from these papers that reconstructability analysis continues to be a productive research area, that it has considerable value for data analysis and data-mining, and that this value has yet to be fully explored and exploited.
This is the author's manuscript, the post-print version of an invited article (issue editorial). The final version is © Emerald Publishing Limited can be found here:
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Citation Details
Zwick, Martin; Shu, Guangfu; and Lin, Yi (2004). “Editorial.” [Post-print] Kybernetes, Special Issue on Reconstructability Analysis, Vol. 33 Number 5/6, 874-876.
This partial bibliography on Reconstructability Analysis was prepared in connection with this 2004 Special Issue of Kybernetes.
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Editorial for Kybernetes 2004 Special Issue on Reconstructability Analysis