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Transit-oriented development, Transportation -- Planning, Bus rapid transit, Street-railroads


The current collection of databases building on Dr. Arthur C. Nelson’s prior transit research funded by NITC, including “Do TODs make a difference?” and “A National Study of BRT Development Outcomes,” and finally “Updating and Expanding LRT/BRT/SCT/CRT Data and Analysis.” These databases provide a data infrastructure for several projects on development outcomes of transit systems across the United States. These data offer a foundation for analyses that provide insights into the influence of transit systems on such topics as economic growth and resilience, real estate market trends and transportation choices being made both near transit stations and in transit-served counties as a whole. The projects listed above included Shift-Share analyses, which measured the dynamics of economic strength in transit-served counties in terms of shifts in share of jobs by sector at transit stations in comparison to the whole county. Shift-Share analyses also identified shifts in shares of demographic segments at transit station in comparison to the whole county. Analyses also included the change of demographics near transit stations, including commuting mode choice, household size, race and ethnicity, income, household type, housing tenure, and other key population characteristics. The research team at the University of Arizona most recently used the database as part of its project, “LRT/BRT/SCT/CRT Development Outcomes FINAL PHASE.” The FINAL PHASE allowed us to use a Jenk’s breaks analysis to create typologies of station areas to assess the extent to which types of stations (as opposed to transit systems as a whole) make a difference in economic development (based on LEHD data), and people (census data) during the periods before, during and after the Great Recession as appropriate for each system and mode. It will also allow us to refine hedonic regression analysis. The FINAL PHASE added new material to the database that has been made available through technology transfer.


This PDF contains the database content description and instructions for downloading data files.

This data supports the NITC project, LRT/BRT/SCT/CRT Development Outcomes FINAL PHASE NITC Project Number: 1253

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