Harlot welcomed a great variety of creations, but had a few guidelines. Not all apply to each submission, but editors asked creators to give the following list a careful read before submitting.
Harlot ceased publication in 2016.
Because Harlot aims for popular appeal and accessibility, we ask that authors bear in mind the conventions of online writing and reading. We ask, therefore, that submissions be limited to 1000-3500 words (about 5-12 pages). If you feel that your article merits an exception to this guideline, feel free to indicate your reasoning in your notes to the editors when you submit. But bear in mind that any articles over 15 pages will likely be returned for revision before they are sent to external reviewers!Format
We encourage all creators to take advantage of Harlot's online platform and its capacities for multimedia and interactive texts. Design matters, both rhetorically and functionally. If you're thinking about publishing your piece within our article template, consider headings, section breaks, short paragraphs, visual interest, etc. If you're planning to create a separate web text, of course, we ask for usability, accessibility, and a design that enhances/deepens the audience's experience of the content. If you have questions or want to chat during the design process, the editors are happy to collaborate.Publication Standards
Harlot publishes original matierial that aligns with the journal's mission. Please only submit work that has not already been published (excluding self-publication) nor is under consideration at another venue. We will consider revised and expanded works, but you must clear permissions with your original publisher and submit proof. Please note: We will not accept submissions that are clearly unrevised seminar papers or assignments. Please review the journal's mission statement to ensure that your submission is appropriate for this venue.Review Process
As you probably already know, we're open to all kinds of critical, creative, and quirky submissions in all kinds of media. Of course, we're also dedicated to publishing the smartest, most engaging, and most accessible work we can find. So we've developed a friendly but rigorous review process to help with that goal.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Editors for suitability and quality before a work is forwarded for review. Upon acceptance for review, submissions will undergo a thorough assessment by the Harlot Consortium, our review board made up of academic and non-academic reviewers, the same audiences you can expect as readers and viewers of your texts. Each submission will be paired with at least one academic and one non-academic reviewer who will consider the following areas:
- Relevance: Is the topic and argument of this piece relevant to a variety of audiences? Does the article forefront the significance of the topic in everyday life?
- Focus: Does this piece reveal something about persuasion in a clear and compelling way? Is the argument sound and well supported?
- Style/Appeal: Does this piece seem inviting to a variety of audiences (consider form, writing style, vocabulary, use of citations/scholarship, length). Does the author seem to privilege or exclude certain audiences?
- Ethics: Is the work respectful and inclusive of diverse individuals and communities? Does it work to foster productive conversation?
Once the reviewers provide their responses, the editors will compile and craft a letter informing you of our decision and providing extensive feedback.
Supplementary Information and Metadata
Please include the following information with your submission:- a list of all authors/creators and their contact information
- a brief biography (50-100 words each) of the authors/creators
- a creators' statement: a summary, description, meditation on the work
- a list of keywords
- a fair use statement if necessary (see below)
File Requirements
We welcome submissions of all reasonable lengths and sizes, but we can accommodate only so many file formats. Print texts should be submitted in .doc or .rtf file formats. Image, audio, and video files should be submitted in high quality formats to be modified for web publication. Graphics should be in .gif, .jpeg, or .png file formats; audio should be in .wav or .mp3 file formats; and video should be in .mpeg, .avi, or .mov file extensions.Citation Style
While we do not require a specific citation style, all quotations and references should be consistently acknowledged. For traditional print texts, consider using MLA or APA styles. All graphic and video productions should be accompanied by source information, and if this information is included within the production, please ensure the text is legible (see more under "Accessibility"). Also, please see "Permissions" for more information about the proper use of copyrighted materials.Permissions
If incorporating any copyrighted materials into textual or multimedia productions, creators are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders or drafting a fair use statement (see "Fair Use Statement" below). If the material is all your own, please state so.Accessibility
We use "accessibility" here in terms of a work's style and delivery. All texts should be composed for broad audiences and should avoid specialized language. Second, multimedia works should be considerate of users who use assistive technologies to read and interact with the Web. For more technical information on accessibility issues, please check back to see our forthcoming page with more detailed guidelines or email us in the meantime.Protections
In the spirit of Harlot's inclusive and collaborative philosophy, we encourage you to select a Creative Commons license that best suits your wishes in terms of who can play (and how) with your work. Please visit Creative Commons to review and select a license to your taste. Beginning with our debut issue, Harlot will be using the attribution, share-alike, non-commercial license, which means that all who use our content must attribute the works to the original creators, apply an identical license when sharing their newly derived works, and not gain profit off distributing the work, either in part or in whole. This license is the default for all submissions unless creators choose their own. Feel free to email us with any questions. We also respect traditional copyright if you so choose.Fair Use Statement
All submissions incorporating copyrighted materials (such as textual, graphic, video, or audio productions) must be accompanied by a fair use statement. Yes, we understand that the nature of all work published in Harlot is some form of critique, report, or satire, but sometimes such claims are not enough to protect your work from allegations of copyright infringement. And we can't afford the legal battles, so let's play by the rules on this one. Here's a helpful guide from the Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center. It includes the four factors used in court cases to judge the nature of the original work's use. We ask that you draft a response to each of these items:- the purpose and character of your use
- the nature of the copyrighted work
- the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and
- the effect of the use upon the potential market - ("Measuring Fair Use: The Four Factors," Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center)
Please visit the Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center for further details and helpful resources.