We're delighted to announce that we'll be having special guest shorters (our new and eloquent term for blahggers) who will be keeping us on top of Obama, Romney, and campaign rhetoric as we march closer to November 6th and its aftermath. Daniel F. Schafer hails from the green side of Washington state and earned his MA in English at Washington State University (located on the not-so-green side) in 2010. He currently works for the Seattle-based educational non-profit Facing the Future. Joy Futrell is a native of Bowling Green, Kentucky, where they make Corvettes and Fruit of the Looms, and her alma mater, Centre College, just hosted the Vice Presidential Debate. When it comes to politics, Joy only sides with William Gass, who rightly said, “If you want to be made a fool of, take sides, and then let the side take you.”
For our spring 2012 issue, Jonathan Stone (of University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) and Steph Ceraso (of University of Pittsburgh) will be our special guest editors.