

conversation analysis, discourse analysis


Building on research on repair (Schegloff et. al. 1977) and repair among groups with varying levels of language proficiency (Brower et. al., 2004; Hosoda 2000, 2001, 2006; Kuhilla 2005; Theodórsdóttir 2018), this paper investigates how small groups organize other-initiated other-repair while playing an augmented reality (AR) game. Typical other-initiated other-repair organization follows a six-step trajectory which includes pauses to allow for self-initiation and self-repair (Schegloff et. al. 1977). The ability for participants to have the opportunity to perform self-initiated self-repair or other-initiated self-repair is important, because other-initiated other-repair is inherently face threatening (Brown & Levinson, 1987; Svennevig, 2008). My data includes 180 minutes of video recordings of small-group interactions of intermediate to expert speakers of German playing a mobile AR game. Through the game, the participants walk to five destinations on a university campus that feature different types of green technology. They are then given information about the type of green technology that is featured and are tasked with recording a report about it on their phone. Conversation analytic methods are used to analyze the other-initiated other-repair that occurs in the data. Analyses show that the other-initiated other-repair follows a three-part organizational structure. Trouble source – other-initiated other-repair – post-expansion. This three-part organization dispenses with pauses that would allow for self-initiation or self-repair and in doing so disregards the preference for self-initiated self-repair. These results have implications for curriculum development with regards to using AR games to augment lessons. The use of other-initiated other-repair by the participants whose conversations I analyze shows that participants are aware of non-standard language use by the other members of their group and that they are willing to repair that language.



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