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Economic development -- Effect of research and development on, Portland Metropolitan Area (Or.), Economic indicators -- Analysis, Economic conditions -- Oregon -- Portland Metropolitan Area

Physical Description

27 pages


Promoting a high- technology economic base has been widely adopted as a regional development "policy for the 80's." To this point, however, it appears that little consideration has been paid to questions regarding the feasibility of this policy as it relates to structural and locational characteristics of the regional economy. This paper will discuss those attributes of the regional economy that typically contribute to the expansion of high- technology activities, with particular attention paid to expansion potential in the Portland SMSA. High-technology activities are defined according to product cycle theory, and the attributes of the regional economy are examined with respect to each stage of the product cycle. The contribution of research and development to the product cycle will receive special attention. The role of the area's higher educational system in performing research is tied to high-technology development potential . It is contended that development potential is maximized when the regional economy exhibits a comparative advantage in one or more stages of the product cycle. Actions which are needed to direct the regional economy toward this end will be outlined.


Catalog Number SR002.

A product of the Center for Urban Studies, Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University.

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