Featured Collections

Explore recently updated collections of scholarly and creative works by PSU faculty, students, and staff. As content is added to PDXScholar, we will regularly rotate in new Featured Collections.
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Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative Publications and Presentations (Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative)

The Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative (HRAC) brings together researchers from across Portland State University along with people experiencing homelessness, advocates, service providers, city and county policymakers and other stakeholders to address issues related to homelessness.

PDXOpen: Open Educational Resources

PDXOpen is a collection of open access textbooks and open educational resources (OER).

PDXOpen goals:
  • Increase student success by saving students money
  • Provide free high-quality course-specific online textbooks
  • Empower instructors to engage in new pedagogical models
  • Offer peer-review, copyright, and technical support
  • Create campus-wide partnerships and share expertise
  • Leverage the University's institutional repository for dissemination

Potential Species of Conservation Concern on National Forest Lands (Institute for Natural Resources - Portland)

As part of the forest plan revision process, the US Forest Service (USFS) compiles lists of potential Species of Conservation Concern (SCC) for each forest. A Species of Conservation Concern is a species for which the best available scientific information indicates substantial concern about its capability to persist over the long-term in the planning area. The USFS evaluates revised forest plans to determine if they provide the ecological conditions necessary to maintain a viable population of each Species of Conservation Concern.

The Institute for Natural Resources worked with USFS staff to produce species profiles for potential SCC which include information on the species' distribution, abundance, trends, natural history, ecology, threats, and vulnerability in the planning area. These profiles will assist USFS in determining the list of SCC species as required by the 2012 Planning Rule.