Terms of Use
Faculty and Staff
All current Portland State faculty and staff are eligible to contribute to PDXScholar during their course of employment at the University. Faculty may contribute content published prior to their employment at Portland State University.Student Work
PDXScholar welcomes content created by Portland State University students, although student contributions must be supported by the sponsorship of a faculty or staff member.External Contributors
Individuals or corporate entities who are not currently employed by PSU may contribute content to PDXScholar if at least one of the following criteria is met:- content was created collaboratively with a current Portland State University student, staff or faculty member at the time of submission, and the PSU affiliate assents to the deposit in PDXScholar; or
- content was created for an academic/scholarly meeting, conference, or event hosted or sponsored by Portland State University, and for which there is an existing conference collection in PDXScholar;
- content was commissioned, distributed, or published by a Portland State University office, center, institute, or academic unit; or
- content is added as part of an approved collection.
Open Access
PDXScholar hosts full text articles, textbooks, journals, conferences, reports, data sets, and creative works, as well as citations to works. PDXScholar is staffed by the Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Publishing unit, part of Portland State University Library. Our mission is to provide open access to scholarship in support of what the Library and our colleagues at Portland State University value: innovation, collaboration, and stewardship; access, inclusion, and equity; community engagement, global impact, and sustainability. Our goal is to make the research, scholarship, and creative works of Portland State University faculty, staff, students and their collaborators easily discoverable and available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
On May 4, 2020, the Faculty approved an Open Access Publication Policy that is intended to make the faculty’s scholarly articles, published in journals and conference proceedings, available to a wider public.
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Contributors to PDXScholar must hold the copyright (either solely or jointly), or have the permission of the copyright holder(s), with some exceptions noted below, for the content that they submit to PDXScholar. Copyright for content submitted to PDXScholar is retained by the author/creator/copyright holder(s); no copyrights are transferred to Portland State University or the University Library. However, contributors must provide Portland State University and the University Library with a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, display, distribute, transmit, copy, reproduce, archive or otherwise make accessible the content through PDXScholar.
Creative Commons
Some works in PDXScholar display a Creative Commons license in their record and/or on the work itself; the use of that work is governed by the terms of the license selected by the content creator. For more information or to license your own work, visit http://creativecommons.org/.Reuse
These terms of use apply to works that do not display a Creative Commons license:
For previously published works (journal articles, book chapters, etc.) when the publisher retains copyright, permission has been granted to post this material in PDXScholar. For any use, which exceeds personal use or fair use, permission may be required by the copyright owner of the material.
For previously unpublished scholarly or creative works, the right to download or print any portion of this material is granted by the copyright owner only for personal or educational use. The author/creator retains all proprietary rights, including copyright ownership. Any editing, other reproduction or other use of this material requires the express written permission of the copyright owner.
Except as provided above, or for any other use that is allowed by fair use (Title 17, §107 U.S.C.), you may not reproduce, republish, post, transmit or distribute any material from this website in any physical or digital form without the permission of the copyright owner of the material.
If you have questions about permitted uses for any content, please Contact Digital Initiatives.
Retention and Removal
Portland State University Library reserves the right to make content available in perpetuity. Content will not be withdrawn from PDXScholar unless significant or unusual circumstances, including legal concerns, such as copyright, libelous content, or privacy issues arise.
Works will not be withdrawn if the contributing author (i.e. faculty or staff member) leaves the employ of Portland State University. In such cases, updated contact information may be added to the record, but the item metadata and access will not be changed.
If it is determined that a work should be withdrawn from PDXScholar, full-text access to that work will be removed permanently for all users. However, in order to preserve the scholarly record—and because the withdrawn work may have been cited using the PDXScholar URL—a metadata “tombstone” will be maintained at the original URL. This will include the original metadata for the work. This metadata record will be visible.
PDXScholar provides access to a wide range of digital content in various formats. In many cases, especially with archival materials digitized from analog formats, these materials are formatted in ways that make them difficult to use with adaptive or assistive technology such as screen readers and captioning. Portland State University Library is committed to making the materials it provides as accessible as possible, and ensuring that access to its content is consistent with obligations under applicable state and federal law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
We aim to make the content of our repositories accessible to all potential users. We strive to ensure that:
- If a video or audio is embedded or hyperlinked, captioned and player controls will be accessible
- Document Accessibility Standards are applied to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents
Authors seeking guidance on practices for accessibility may contact us with questions.
Information about software accessibility is available on the Accessibility Statement webpage.
Name Change
As an institutional repository, PDXScholar is committed to respecting the rights and identities of its authors and seeks to reduce or remove barriers to inclusion and author credit for their published works.
Upon receiving a name change request, our staff will update all metadata, published content, and associated records under our control to reflect the requested name change. We will not ask for further details or the reasons for the name change; however, we may sometimes require other information (such as the article citation) to make the change effectively.
Portland State University Library considers it a violation of professional ethics and an incident of professional harassment to request to link or update the name of another individual without their explicit consent.