Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


Publishers and publishing, Book industries and trade, Translating Books -- United States


The purpose of this survey is to determine the diversity of language representation in translated literature. Specifically, this study will examine three independent presses and one imprint that publishes literary works, both fiction and nonfiction. This paper surveys the languages represented in the translated works published by these presses over the course of five years, from 2018 to 2022. A case study of one independent press, Other Press, is conducted to further study the genre and country representation in translated literature. This study finds that European languages, particularly Western European languages, are overrepresented in translated literature by more than a factor of four compared to non-European languages. The possible reasons for this finding are investigated through considering several theories, including Eurocentrism, polysystem theory, Orientalism, and postcolonial theory.


Copyright (c) 2024 Cecilia Too

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