First Advisor

Bruce Irvin

Date of Award

Spring 6-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science and University Honors


Computer Science




relational databases, SQL, software development, Model-View-Controller, web applications


This paper details how a relational database influenced the design of the rest of a software project. The software project in question is WonderTix, an open-source ticketing and donation platform for the use of Portland Playhouse under continuous development by teams of Portland State students as their computer science capstone project. The paper, a capstone review thesis, examines WonderTix as an instantiation of the Model-View-Controller design pattern, noting how the model, a relational database based on the SQL standard, influenced the design of the view and controller components. This influence is explored from three angles. First, when the implementation of a new feature clashed with a preexisting database table. Second, the consequences of data in the database being implicit and the effects of making that data explicit. Third, how two database tables were designed in order to influence the design of a future feature.
