The collection includes undergraduate theses written by students in the University Honors College.
Further University Honors College work is available in the Anthós undergraduate journal.
Theses from 2025
Risk Factors for Substance Use Among Serious and Violent Offenders Undergoing Reentry, Elizabeth G. Bozarth
From Farm to Friend: Fostering Compassion toward Farmed Animals through Design, Natalie M. Kosmos
Between Fire and Water: Miyazawa Kenji’s Reimagining of Opposites in Ginga tetsudō no yoru, Taishi B. Neilsen
Integrating Methods to Investigate Phytoplankton Dynamics Along Gradients of a Major Urban River, Nicholas Sheldon
Investigating Key Structures in Protective Scenes for LLMs, Eben M. Weisman
Theses from 2024
Binary Gendered Language: A Qualitative Study of PSU Students, Dakota Abercrombie
Re-Indigenizing and Collaboratively Tending Urban Greenspaces, Divinity N. Adewale
Psilocybin with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Aspen E. Allred
Health Equity in Stroke Prophylaxis for New Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department, Mariam Anwar
Hell's Tails: Localizing the Tail Proteins of the Hyperthermophile-Infecting Virus SSV1, Jane Arterberry
Designing and Building a Concrete Climbing Robot for Non-Destructive Testing of Infrastructure, Weston Baker
Speech & Language Services: Examining the Experiences of Deaf / Hard of Hearing People, Milayna N. Barker
Factors Impeding Mental Health Help-Seeking: A Literature Review, Justin Benner
The Role of Christianity in Shaping Agrarian Policies and Environmental Interactions: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and the Netherlands, Grace N. Brimble
Second International Marxism and the Finnish Revolution, Luke Brodersen
It's Disco, Baby: Queer Possibilities and Conservative Outrage, Lottie Bromham
An Ethnography of Frostbite Among Unsheltered People in Portland: Safety, Governance, and the Manufacture of Vulnerability, Muireall Brown
"Your Food is Who You Are": Food Sovereignty within a Native Urban Community Garden, Zoe Buhrmaster
Investigating How Celebrities Monetize Black Culture for Their Business and Investment Ventures, Abbie Carey
Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Trauma-Informed Schools on Students' Well-Being and Academic Success, Tiffany Carolino
Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and Machismo on Pregnant Women in Mexico: A Systematic Review, Amber Casarrubias-Enriquez
Early Detection of Alcohol Related Dementia Across the Lifespan: An Integrative Literature Review for Primary Care Providers, Kaylee A. Chapman
Biofeedback Gaming for Substance Use Disorder, Rebecca L. Chevrel
Exhibiting the Museum: Interrogating Spaces of Institutional Knowledge Production through Interactive Print Design, Malcolm Church
What Explains Male and Female Decision Making to Enter Law? Evidence From a Survey of US-Based Undergraduate Students, Abigail Cohen
Capstone Review: Filament Unit Multiplexing Engine, Gal Cohen
Microplastic Pollution in Stormwater: Preliminary Findings from the Oregon Coast, Jazmine Compton
Zombies From Cultural Origin to Contemporary Uses, Conor Davenport
Immigration, Machismo, and Cultural Stigmatization: Causes of Lack of Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Mexican Men in the U.S., Cynthia M. De La Torre-Lopez
Power to the Pedal: Assessing Barriers to Adoption of Closed-Access Bike Share in Low-Income Communities, Jordan Del Valle Tonoian
Risk Analysis in Financial Statements, a Comparative Study of AI vs Human Risk Assessment, Andre Denegri
Commercial Property Vacancies in American Cities, Emily Dinh
Perceptions of Educators on the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom, Abigail Donde
Preliminary Reactions for DO3MBn ester Design of Experiments With a Separation Procedure for DO2MBn ester and DO3MBn ester ligand, Cerys A. Easton
Examining the Effects of Emotional Support and Therapy Animals on Anxiety and Depression in University Students: A Literature Review, Alexys Endries
The Ashes of The Forest, Guzide Erturk Guzeldere
Mathematics Education Reform Through Socio-Political Means: A Synthesis, Nadine Ferguson
The Realm That I Am: An Interdisciplinary Memoir on Identity and Healing, Maria Rowen Flores
Supply is not Limulus: Research Review of Horseshoe Crab Conservation in the Face of Intense Pharmaceutical Demand, Zoya Galeev
Neverland Theory: An Introduction to a Childish-Positive Framework, Daniel M. Gardner
Tea Leaves and Other Stories: Expressing Themes of Change and Loss through the Magical Realist Style, Olivia Geist
An Argument for the Integration of Black Psychology in Undergraduate Psychology Program, Kelsey D. Glass
PT-Symmetry and Eigenmodes, Tamara Gratcheva
Enhancing Robustness of Machine Learning Models Against Adversarial Attacks, Ronak Guliani
Wraithstruck: Chapters from the Adorese Forests, Clover Gullans
Cards with Class: Formalizing a Simplified Collectible Card Game, Dan Ha
"Crush the Monster": Homosexuality and Moral Panic in 1950s Idaho, Ian Hadrick
Risk Factors of Dental Anxiety and Exploration of Interventions, Katelin Hancock
Prochlorococcus Death by a Ubiquitous Zooplankton Filter Feeder, Avery Harman
Multi-Scale Variability of Heavy Metals in a Snowpack in the Triple Divide Region of the Western United States, Kelsey Hefner
Exploring Gender in Classical Music Through Coded Weaving, Laura Helgeson
How Different Modes of Photosynthesis Impact Stormwater Runoff and Weed Growth on Ecoroof Trays During Early Establishment?, Michelle Hesek
The Mounted Warrior: An Investigation into an Unpublished Coptic Textile Featuring Equestrian Imagery, Elizabeth Hines
Business Capstone Review: Analysis of Startups in Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Grayson Hoffman
Development of a Two-Photon Imaging System, Jesseca Hollenbaugh
How Can DEI Training Change the Culture of an Organization to Achieve Belonging and Retain Diverse Employees?, Kaisa S. Holt
Death, Grief, and Loss Through the Eyes of Child: The Importance of Teaching Children About Death Using Children's Literature, Sara Holzschuh
Using Stable Isotopes of Meteoric Water to Evaluate the Efficacy of Manmade Canals at Maintaining Lake Habitats for Salmon and Waterfowl, Adrian Jimenez
Sex Toys in the City: Pleasure, Profit, and Sex-Positive Cultures in Portland, Abigail Jobe
Gut Feelings: A Literature Review on The Gut-Brain Axis and its Potential Influence on Mood, Grace Johnson
The Rainbow Wave: Rethinking LGBTQ Representation in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Research, Tyler King
What are the Psychosocial Effects of Service Dogs on Handlers with Disabilities, Kylie Kline
Moss Biomonitoring of Lead Emissions from Hillsboro Airport, Daria Kolpakov
Edward's New Welsh: The Foundations of English Colonialism, 1282-1343, Joshua Lembke
Building Climate Resilience: How Climate Groups Can Channel Anxiety and Grief into Action, Martin J. Lemke
Talking Yourself Up: Multimodal Conversation Analysis of Status in an Improvised Setting, Aubrey LeWarne
Native American and First-Nations Canadian and Physical PFAS Accumulations: A Literature Review, Laurel Liebeseller
Exploring Attrition and Linguistic Shifts: The Impact of COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Discrimination on the East and Southeast Asian Diaspora, Amy Wan-Ling Lin
Technologies for Wearable Seizure Detection: A Systematic Review, Rhema Losli
Landscaping Impacts on Urban Soil Development, Fry Lundgren
Trial by Rat Infestation, Elias Lunsford
Evolution of Morning Sickness and How it Relates to Maternal Nutrition and Fetal Development, Leena Macias
American Evangelicalism and the Status of Women: Biblical Interpretation, Politicization, and a Future for Secularism, Ivy MacNeil Blackwood
Business Capstone Review: Team Dynamic Effects on Business Decision-Making, Lauren Mann
An Exploration of Degrowth: Reimagining the Economy in the Face of Climate Change, Nicole Kristene Martinez-Bergman
The Cascading Effects of Database Design, Liam McCracken
Spectroscopic End Point Detection With an Electron Beam Evaporator, Ryan McGraw
We're Here to Stay: Nonviolence and the Disability Rights Movement, Sky McLeod
Nostalgia Marketing: An Integrative Framework, Yasamin Mehdian Rad
Birkhoff Summation of Irrational Rotations: A Surprising Result for the Golden Mean, Heather Moore
Genome Editing Using CRISPR-Cas9 in Annual Killifish Species, Keria Moritsugu-Vandehey
Climate Justice Issues, Urban Heat Island Effect, and Trees as the Solution in Portland, Oregon, Cleo Needham
Early Reading Instruction Methods: An Analysis on the Outcomes of Whole Language Instruction and Phonics Instruction, Kaitlin Nims-Fournier
Henna Chatbot Capstone Review, Kobe Norcross
'To Surpass Convention' (2024): An Analysis of Conventional Fantasy and How My Story Can Go Beyond, AJ Odom
The Impact of Western Beauty Standards on the Identity Formation and Self-Perception of Young Latinx Women, Pricila Orduno
Assessing Nicotine Intake and Cotinine Levels in Inbred High Drinking in The Dark (iHDID) Mice: A Potential Model for Nicotine Use Disorders (NUDs), Jonathan Palacios