First Advisor

Dr. Max Nielsen Pincus

Date of Award

Spring 5-23-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Environmental Science and University Honors


Environmental Science and Management




Extended Producer Responsibility, Environmental Policy, Environmental Management, Waste Management, Materials Management


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a waste management program used globally to improve the recovery, recycling, and management of solid waste materials. There are three types of EPR programs defined by their target materials: electronic and electrical waste (WEEE) EPR, hazardous waste EPR, and packaging EPR. Europe has implemented all three types with relative success. The US has implemented WEEE EPR and hazardous waste EPR and is currently in the process of implementing packaging EPR on a state scale in Oregon, California, Colorado, Maine, and Maryland with 10 more bills being introduced in 2024 alone. Oregon’s EPR program will be the first implemented and would benefit from two changes that would benefit producers and ensure a successful rollout across the nation. The first is the use of a single Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) rather than multiple and a timeline extension for a graduated reporting structure.
