First Advisor

Briar Levit

Date of Award

Spring 6-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Graphic Design and University Honors


Graphic Design




museums, exhibition design, historiography, colonialism, capitalism, publication design, interactive print design


This thesis explores the role of museums as active agents in the production of cultural and historical knowledge, focusing on the ethical implications of exhibition design and institutional practices. By examining the history of museums from ancient Greece to the modern era, with a focus on the Modern era, the research highlights how these institutions have perpetuated Eurocentric narratives and colonial ideologies through the collection and display of artifacts. Through interviews, participant observations, and historical analysis, this study uncovers the often-hidden decisions behind exhibition design and their impact on public perception. The culmination of this research is an interactive print design project, "Exhibiting the Museum," which aims to engage adult readers in critical thinking about museum spaces and their role in shaping knowledge.
