First Advisor

Olyssa Starry

Date of Award

Spring 6-15-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Environmental Science and University Honors


Environmental Science and Management




ecoroof, runoff, drain gauge, Portland, methodology, monitoring




The following paper will be exploring a pilot methodology of a drain gauge system I built that’s used to calculate stormwater runoff from ecoroofs in Portland, Oregon. The drain gauge is a less studied technique for measuring ecoroof runoff, but holds high potential for developing better monitoring and management of ecoroofs within the city of Portland. What separates this stormwater runoff capturing device apart from other stormwater runoff calculation techniques is its adaptable design and simple installation. The drain weir can be placed in any roof drain that an ecoroof has been installed simply by placing it into a roof drainage system. Portland, with a history of troubling stormwater management, has dedicated policies to implementing ecoroofs around the city. Since an ecoroof must reduce the annual volume of runoff by 50% to be considered efficient, it is important to understand how our ecoroofs are functioning and this drain gauge has the potential to inform managers of just that. Therefore, this paper highlights how we can measure ecoroof runoff, at the roof scale, for specific climate conditions in Portland.

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