First Advisor

Bruce Irvin

Date of Award

Spring 6-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science and University Honors


Computer Science




project management, software engineering, waterfall, agile, capstone, review


This review essay reflects the Lang2views capstone project from the perspective of a team lead. The Lang2views capstone project was a web-based user interface designed to simplify how the Lang2views corporation localizes videos into other languages for their clients. Our capstone group was split into three subgroups: front-end, back-end, and DevOps. The strategy for completing the project went through a major change midway through development wherein we changed our software development methodology from a more rigid Waterfall-type approach to a more flexible Agile methodology. Because of this, many of the initially planned features had to be reevaluated as out of scope for the final deliverable. This capstone experience gave me a deep understanding of the importance of having a conscientious team lead who can keep track not only of the small details but also of the bigger picture; the management involved in communicating with our sponsor Santiago Diaz, as well as our capstone advisor Bruce Irvin, and checking in with the capstone group were all crucial to the success of the capstone project.
