First Advisor

Leopoldo Rodriguez

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International & Global Studies: Latin America and University Honors


International and Global Studies




Floriculture, Pesticides, Occupational health, Exports, Flowers


This thesis analyzes the laboral conditions and the socioeconomic implications of the Colombian floriculture industry. The proportion of employment opportunities for rural Colombian peasant women is examined and how it challenges traditional gender structures in Colombia and the empowerment of the female workers. Likewise the controversy of domestic violence is addressed and how workshops given in flower farms contribute to its prevention and addressing. In addition, the usage of pesticides in flower production and its significance for the health of the workers is examined, highlighting the associated risks with long-term exposure to chemical pesticides and the importance of protection and safety measures at work. The challenges of competitiveness faced by the industry are also discussed, as well as the economic and social advantages it has generated for workers and growers. This thesis highlights the complexity of the Colombian floriculture industry and its impact on various aspects of Colombian society.
