First Advisor

Will Parnell

Term of Graduation

Summer 2024

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction


Curriculum & Instruction



Physical Description

1 online resource (xii, 376 pages)


The graduation percentage among Native American students has consistently remained at a discouraging 50 %, both in the past and at present. This study employed a narrative inquiry approach to investigate the low graduation rates among Native American students, from the perspective of a Native American educator and mother. This study examined the historical trauma and colonization experienced by Native Americans and how it has affected Native American families and communities, resulting in low rates of graduation among Native students. In addition, this study examined factors contributing to resilience by acknowledging Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Indigenous Ways of Knowing (IWK) as undervalued sources of expertise that can be advantageous for all students.

This narrative inquiry was composed of three interviews with three distinguished elders who have attained noteworthy accomplishments in the realm of education. This inquiry encompassed inquiries about family, place, school, and artifacts. This research enhances a sense of optimism by investigating the characteristics discovered in these narrative interviews that can strengthen the resilience of Native American students. The Elders were asked to provide their insights into what helped them succeed academically despite the odds. This investigation will be very beneficial to the academic world due to the scarcity of scholarly work concerning Native Americans and the innumerable advantages that can be obtained by integrating the knowledge of Native Elders.


© 2024 Shani Renee Johnson

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