Systems Science Friday Noon Seminar Series



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Fuel taxes are an important source of funds for roads. However, increasing fuel efficiency and the potential for alternative fueled vehicles have raised questions about the long-term viability of this revenue source. Oregon conducted an experiment to evaluate the potential to replace fuel taxes with mileage fees. The findings from that experiment will be presented along with some discussion of current research on the cost associated with implementing different types of mileage fees.

Biographical Information

Dr. Rufolo is a Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University, where he specializes in State and Local Finance, Transportation, Urban Economics, and Regional Economic Development. He has a B.S. in Economics from M.I.T. and a Ph.D. in Economics from UCLA. Prior to joining the faculty at Portland State in 1980, he spent six years as an Economist and Senior Economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Dr. Rufolo’s research has appeared in such journals as the National Tax Journal, Transportation Research, Transportation Research Record, The Journal of Urban Economics, Land Economics and The Journal of Public Economics, and he is co-author of a textbook on public finance. Dr. Rufolo has practical experience with local economic development and finance issues in addition to his research and teaching. His experience with government forecasting and budgeting includes: Advisory Council (chair) to the (Oregon) Legislative Task Force On Comprehensive Revenue Restructuring, 2008-2009; Blue Ribbon Commission on Cost Allocation, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1996; (Oregon) Governor's Council of Economic Advisors 1983-1994; City of Beaverton Budget Committee 1989-1995 (chair 1992-1994); Advisory Committee on the Budget for Tri-Met (the Portland transit system) 1991-1995 (chair 1994-95); and the Investment Advisory Committee for the city of Portland since 1992.


Congestion pricing -- Oregon, System theory, Oregon. Department of Transportation, Gasoline -- Taxation, Transportation and state -- Oregon


Transportation | Urban Studies

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Road Pricing
