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Heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States, and the implications of heat impacts range from individual transportation users, to emergency management services, and entire transportation networks and systems. In this presentation, we'll cover key concepts for urban planning and heat resilience, including heat mitigation and management strategies. Additionally, we will discuss the original NITC-sponsored data collection evaluating one such cool corridor strategy--PlusTI cool pavement rejuvenator--and the associated challenges of researching impacts of strategies on human-comfort in natural and built environments.


Ladd Keith, Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of urban planning and climate change to create more sustainable and resilient cities. He has over a decade of experience working with diverse stakeholders to solve complex urban challenges in cities across the U.S. His current research explores urban heat governance and how cities can increase heat resilience through the mitigation and management of heat. He also founded and leads the Sustainable Built Environments degree program which is offered in-person, fully online, and at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima, Peru. Kristina CurransKristina Currans is an Associate Professor in Urban Planning in the College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She studies the intersection between transportation and land use development. Although trained as a civil engineer, Dr. Currans' work bridges the transportation planning and engineering disciplines. Her current research and teaching emphasizes the rethinking and redeveloping new data and methods for applications in practice to help communities plan for the places they want.


Urban heat island, Climatic change, Greenhouse gas mitigation Effect of transportation on


Transportation | Urban Studies | Urban Studies and Planning

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Webinar: Assessing Cool Corridor Heat Resilience Strategies for Human-Scale Transportation
