Amplify: A Journal of Writing-as-Activism aims to amplify the voices and visions of students, educators, and community members individually and collaboratively in "writing as activism": that is, writing that intends to provoke change towards social justice on the individual, collective, social, and/or political level.
We are currently reviewing submissions for our Fall 2024 issue, Writing-as-Activism in a Time of Destruction. We accept submissions on a rolling basis.
Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2023) So to Speak
Message from the Editors
A Message from the Editors
Rhiannon M. Cates and Vicki L. Reitenauer
Using Queer of Color Theory to Analyze Latinidad
Maria I. Castro-Mendoza
"Where is Your Accent From?": The Voice of My Identity
Robert Northman
Language Was My Home: I had it in my mind - but not on my tongue (Grappling with Aphasia)
Corinne Othenin-Girard
A Student Bill of Rights
Balkhiis Noor, Olivia Monestime, Julia Hines, and David Peterson del Mar
Editorial Collective Members
Rhiannon M. Cates, Portland State University
Monica Mueller, Portland State University
Vicki L. Reitenauer, Portland State University
Emeriti Editorial Collective Members
Benjamin J. Hall (1974-2020), Portland State University