
About this Journal

Amplify: A Journal of Writing-as-Activism aims to amplify the voices and visions of students, educators, and community members individually and collaboratively in "writing as activism": that is, writing that intends to provoke change towards social justice on the individual, collective, social, and/or political level. To that end, Amplify: A Journal of Writing-as-Activism operates through power-sharing across difference, including the differences that attend our various positions relative to the institutions and organizations in which we are situated.

The editors of Amplify: A Journal of Writing-as-Activism invite articles, creative writing, and art that exemplify writing-as-activism in/through both process and product; that employ writing as a mechanism to engage and extend activist practice; and that examine the utility, impact, and potentiality of writing within and beyond activist movements to catalyze social change.

The scope and focus of both content and format are intentionally open-ended, intended to invite and embrace a diverse range of perspectives, positionalities, and forms of written and artistic communication around the larger project of exploring, documenting, and responding to the notion of "writing as activism."

Intended audience: students; faculty/instructors/practitioners; activists/organizers; writers; researchers; general public

This journal is dedicated, in love and solidarity, to the memories of activist-writers Benjamin J. Hall (1974-2020) and Michael "Moon" Tucker Jr. (1982-2021).