

critical reflective practice, perspective-taking

Document Type



Over the past two+ years, many of us have been recalibrating our views on teaching and learning, our approaches to information literacy education, and our orientations to everyday life in and outside of work. As I imagine how I want my own engagement in teaching and learning to continue unfolding, I’ve also been reflecting on what I value about Communication in Information Literacy’s (CIL) Perspectives section and what I hope for it as the journal, information literacy, and education continue to evolve. In this short essay, I consider different ways of thinking about the term perspectives; reflect on Perspectives as a space for exploring questions, issues, and experiences from new vantage points; and invite members of the information literacy community to share through CIL’s Perspectives their unique ways of seeing.



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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
