Document Type

Closed Project

Publication Date

Spring 1995


Dundar Kocaoglu

Course Number

ETM 510


To support the tremendous growth projected for fiscal year 1996, a capital expansion project has been developed to analyze the facility requirements and to coordinate the expansion necessary to meet the corporate financial commitments. The project involves the addition of approximately thirteen million dollars of capital equipment to the existing manufacturing facility during the one year period that began April 1995. Because the project spans nearly every department, and by virtue of the size and complexity of the entire project, the scope of this paper has been limited to only one small segment of the whole project. Although the many departmental expansions and moves are strongly interrelated, for simplicity, this project is treated as an independent entity. This paper focuses on the coordination of the planning, design, site preparation, and construction of three external, semi-temporary trailers to be used for administrative office space, and an adjacent patio area and food court.


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