Document Type

Closed Project

Publication Date

Fall 1998


Dundar Kocaoglu

Course Number

ETM 520


This article by Diane Bailey, the author, lays out characteristics of three types of improvementteam programs used in a sample manufacturing sites. These three programs include Continuous Improvement Teams (CIT), Quality Circles (QC), and Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT). According to needs of quality improvement in productivity process, many manufacturing companies intend to utilize skills and knowledge of employees in believes that participation in work decisions leads to high team performance. This refers to team-based programs or improvement-team programs. Improving employees’ capability broadly comes from various kinds of corporate activities such as training programs, empowerment, participation, decisionmaking improvement, and so forth. All of these improvement-team programs target to the same outcome that is the “team-based quality improvement”. However, each program approaches to employees in a different manner, especially in different work environments.


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