First Advisor
Brenda Glascott
Date of Award
Winter 12-2023
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business: Human Resources Management and University Honors
capstone, review, human resources, portland, staffing
"Let knowledge serve the city" serves not only as Portland State University's motto but also as the guiding intent of the Business Administration capstone program to assist local companies in the city of Portland. This review covers the experience of my participation in the program including the use of education and challenges. While the experience recorded within is atypical due to the unforeseen closure of the participating client, effective communication studies with clients and other students remain pressing. This entailed examining the quantitative and qualitative needs of a hybrid coffee shop and event space and whether changing to a larger location would serve the business better. The results of this experience had me come away with an appreciation of how the business programs at Portland State prepared me, especially regarding strong communication skills, the value of proper staffing, and research. The main takeaway from the capstone is valuing the tools obtained at Portland State University to be applied to further work efforts.
Persistent Identifier
Recommended Citation
Daniels, Molly, "The Praxis of Professional Communication in Simulated Business: PSU Capstone Analysis" (2023). University Honors Theses. Paper 1431.
Included in
Benefits and Compensation Commons, Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Business and Corporate Communications Commons, Performance Management Commons
An undergraduate business honors and university honors capstone review thesis. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in University Honors and Business Administration.