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Physical Review Research

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Multicore fiber


Open systems with balanced gain and loss, described by parity-time (PT -symmetric) Hamiltonians have been deeply explored over the past decade. Most explorations are limited to finite discrete models (in real or reciprocal spaces) or continuum problems in one dimension. As a result, these models do not leverage the complexity and variability of two-dimensional continuum problems on a compact support. Here, we investigate eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation on a disk with zero boundary condition, in the presence of constant, PT -symmetric, gain-loss potential that is confined to two mirror-symmetric disks. We find a rich variety of exceptional points, re-entrant PT -symmetric phases, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the PT -symmetry breaking threshold on the system parameters. By comparing results of two model variations, we show that this simple model of a multicore fiber supports propagating modes in the presence of gain and loss.


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