Presenter Biography

Delmar Larsen is Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Biophysics Graduate Group in the University of California, Davis, and also serves as the Executive Director of the LibreTexts project.

Start Date

5-17-2019 2:45 PM

End Date

5-17-2019 4:00 PM


Libretexts unites students, faculty and scholars to cooperatively develop online educational resources that are easy to adopt and use, simple to optimize, and are backed by educational research with advanced technologies. LibreTexts are totally cost free to students, institutions and faculty. LibreTexts’ technology enables any faculty member to easily and rapidly create OER textbooks and more that are optimized for their courses and students. The structure of LibreTexts solves two of the central problems limiting OER adoption: the time and effort that faculty need to assemble OER for their classes and dissemination. Libretexts are built by incorporating content from an extensive network of existing materials which extend across the curriculum which faculty can edit and enhance to meet their needs. The new ReMixer allows for easy drag and drop OER construction. Other features incorporate annotation ( and NotaBene) and computation (Jupyter) as well as 3D visualization and multimedia. LibreTexts supports import into LMSs, print on demand, and import from open eTextbooks. Since its inception ten years ago, LibreTexts has been exponentially growing and currently reaches over 60 million students per year with 400,000 web hits per day. In the past year over 18,000 distinct users from Oregon visited LibreTexts and it is used at the Oregon Institute of Technology for chemistry courses. LibreTexts extends an open invitation to all Oregon faculty and students to learn more about how we can help you remix the OER universe.

Persistent Identifier


May 17th, 2:45 PM May 17th, 4:00 PM

Remix the OER Universe with LibreTexts

Libretexts unites students, faculty and scholars to cooperatively develop online educational resources that are easy to adopt and use, simple to optimize, and are backed by educational research with advanced technologies. LibreTexts are totally cost free to students, institutions and faculty. LibreTexts’ technology enables any faculty member to easily and rapidly create OER textbooks and more that are optimized for their courses and students. The structure of LibreTexts solves two of the central problems limiting OER adoption: the time and effort that faculty need to assemble OER for their classes and dissemination. Libretexts are built by incorporating content from an extensive network of existing materials which extend across the curriculum which faculty can edit and enhance to meet their needs. The new ReMixer allows for easy drag and drop OER construction. Other features incorporate annotation ( and NotaBene) and computation (Jupyter) as well as 3D visualization and multimedia. LibreTexts supports import into LMSs, print on demand, and import from open eTextbooks. Since its inception ten years ago, LibreTexts has been exponentially growing and currently reaches over 60 million students per year with 400,000 web hits per day. In the past year over 18,000 distinct users from Oregon visited LibreTexts and it is used at the Oregon Institute of Technology for chemistry courses. LibreTexts extends an open invitation to all Oregon faculty and students to learn more about how we can help you remix the OER universe.


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