Presenter Biography

Tamara Marnell is a systems librarian at Central Oregon Community College with experience in web development, graphic design, and publishing in both print and electronic formats.

Lindsay Murphy is an instructional technologist at Portland State University, where she helps faculty explore open pedagogy and use technology to support their teaching practices.

Kim Read is the Dean of Libraries at Concordia University Portland, where she created and manages their campus-wide OER and textbook affordability initiative.

Scott Robison is the Associate Director of Digital Learning and Design in the Office of Academic Innovation at Portland State University. He is highly invested in how Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Practices can transform the teaching and learning experience in higher education.

Rondi Schei is an Online Development Facilitator and Economics instructor at Portland Community College who enjoys designing online courses that use OER instructional materials.

Michaela Willi Hooper is the OER & Textbook Affordability Librarian at Linn-Benton Community College. She enjoys finding new ways to share knowledge and has created her own materials, or helped others create them, through Youtube, MS Office, Google Docs, Pressbooks, LibGuides, Moodle, and more.


Center for Meeting and Learning (CML), Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon

Start Date

5-17-2019 10:30 AM

End Date

5-17-2019 11:45 AM


Take first steps to find, remix, or create materials for your class TODAY, with support from six of Oregon’s top-notch librarians and instructional designers.


Room 214

Persistent Identifier

Hands-On OER Handout - rev. 5_1.pdf (124 kB)
Hands-On OER Handout

Rubric For Evaluating OER.pdf (68 kB)
Rubric For Evaluating OER

Sample Spreadsheet_ OER Sources and Licenses - Sheet1.csv (2 kB)
Sample Spreadsheet: OER Sources and Licenses


May 17th, 10:30 AM May 17th, 11:45 AM

Interactive Session: Hands-On OER

Center for Meeting and Learning (CML), Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon

Take first steps to find, remix, or create materials for your class TODAY, with support from six of Oregon’s top-notch librarians and instructional designers.


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