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In her keynote address, Angelique Carson, Shared Collections Librarian at Washington Research Library Consortium, acknowledges that it is a crucial time for Open Educational Resources (OER) and conveys the belief that we cannot meaningfully discuss Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) topics within higher education without including OER. In fact, she emphasizes the importance of centering OER within EDI efforts. She goes on to share inspiring and creative examples of how academic librarians, information specialists, and educators are addressing and advocating for EDI concerns with OER material on their campuses.

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© 2022 Angelique Carson

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Start Date

3-25-2022 9:00 AM

End Date

3-25-2022 9:50 AM

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Open Educational Resources, Open access publishing, Scholarly publishing, Social justice


Mar 25th, 9:00 AM Mar 25th, 9:50 AM

Keynote: OER|EDI + Social Justice on Your College Campus

In her keynote address, Angelique Carson, Shared Collections Librarian at Washington Research Library Consortium, acknowledges that it is a crucial time for Open Educational Resources (OER) and conveys the belief that we cannot meaningfully discuss Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) topics within higher education without including OER. In fact, she emphasizes the importance of centering OER within EDI efforts. She goes on to share inspiring and creative examples of how academic librarians, information specialists, and educators are addressing and advocating for EDI concerns with OER material on their campuses.