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Presentation Type

30-minute Presentation/Panel


University of Oregon graduate students and faculty come to UO Libraries Digital Scholarship Services for open digital humanities research consultations. They either find the department through the Digital Research, Education, and Media Lab’s website, research grant-funded initiatives, word of mouth from UO peers, or Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, graduate advisors, or UO archivists and librarian recommendations. This presentation foregrounds the digital stewardship theory and practices that are core to working with researchers who contribute to the open digital humanities. The consultation strategies used by DSS will be shared so other academic libraries can use them.

Learning Outcomes

Learners can recognize information, digital, archival, and data literacies that are identified by the presenter.

Learners can discuss library and information science disciplinary issues that are missing from academic research grant ideations and implementations.


© 2022 Kate Thornhill

In Copyright. URI: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).

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Start Date

3-25-2022 1:40 PM

End Date

3-2022 4:10 PM

Persistent Identifier



Humanities - Electronic information resources, Digital humanities


Mar 25th, 1:40 PM Mar 1st, 4:10 PM

Doing Open Digital Stewardship in the Digital Humanities: Digital Scholarship Research Consultations for Graduate Students and Faculty

University of Oregon graduate students and faculty come to UO Libraries Digital Scholarship Services for open digital humanities research consultations. They either find the department through the Digital Research, Education, and Media Lab’s website, research grant-funded initiatives, word of mouth from UO peers, or Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, graduate advisors, or UO archivists and librarian recommendations. This presentation foregrounds the digital stewardship theory and practices that are core to working with researchers who contribute to the open digital humanities. The consultation strategies used by DSS will be shared so other academic libraries can use them.