Submissions from 1990
Reduced Form for Coulomb-wave Multicenter Integrals, Jack C. Straton
Reduced Form for the General-state Multicenter Integral from an Integro-differential Transform, Jack C. Straton
High-velocity Limits for the Ratio of Double to Single Ionisation of Helium by Projectiles with Electrons, Y. D. Wang, Jack C. Straton, James H. McGuire, and R. D. DuBois
Submissions from 1989
Bethe stopping-power theory for heavy-target atoms, P.T. Leung
Decay of molecules at corrugated thin metal films, P.T. Leung, Young Sik Kim, and Thomas F. George
Recoil Distributions in Particle Transfer, James H. McGuire, Jack C. Straton, W. J. Axmann, T. Ishihara, and E. Horsdal
Analytically Reduced Form Of Multicenter Integrals From Gaussian Transforms, Jack C. Straton
Post-prior Symmetrical First-order T matrix for Charge Transfer, Jack C. Straton and M. D. Girardeau
Submissions from 1988
Roughness-induced resonance for molecular fluorescence near a corrugated metallic surface, P.T. Leung, Young Sik Kim, and Thomas F. George
Ionization of K-shell electrons by highly relativistic protons, M. L. Rustgi, P.T. Leung, and S. A. Long
Limitation of the semirelativistic approach in sum rules and related calculations in atomic physics, M. L. Rustgi, P.T. Leung, and S. A. Long
Submissions from 1987
Energy-transfer theory for the classical decay rates of molecules at rough metallic surfaces, P.T. Leung and Thomas F. George
Molecular lifetimes in the presence of periodically roughened metallic surfaces, P.T. Leung, Z. C. Wu, Daniel A. Jelski, and Thomas F. George
Fourier Transform of the Product of N One-Center Hydrogenic Orbitals, Jack C. Straton
Reduced-mass Fock-Tani Representations for a+ + (b+c-) --> (a+c-) + b+ and First-order Results for {abc} = {ppe, epe, μpμ, μdμ, and μtμ}, Jack C. Straton
Submissions from 1986
Relativistic corrections to the Bethe sum rule, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, and S. A. Long
Shell correction for the stopping power of K electrons, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, and S. A. Long
Fock-Tani Transformation and a First-Order Theory of Charge Transfer, P. C. Ojha, M. D. Girardeau, J. D. Gilbert, and Jack C. Straton
An Approximate Variational Method for Improved Thermodynamics of Molecular Fluids, M. S. Shaw, J. D. Johnson, and John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1984
Coexistence and spinodal curves in directionally bonded liquids using the four-cluster approximation, Erik Bodegom and Paul H. Meijer
Energy losses of solar neutrinos and the oscillation hypothesis, P.T. Leung, S. Boedo, and M. L. Rustgi
General formula for the inelastic scattering of relativistic spin-½ particles by heavy atoms, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, and S. A. Long
Probability Densities and the Random Variable Transformation Theorem, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1983
Ionization of heavy atoms by polarized relativistic protons, P.T. Leung and M. L. Rustgi
Stopping power of K electrons at extreme relativistic energies, P.T. Leung and M. L. Rustgi
Submissions from 1982
Massless neutrinos and the stellar stopping power via the V-A and Weinberg interactions, P.T. Leung and M. L. Rustgi
Structural effects on K-vacancy production by protons of extreme relativistic energies, P.T. Leung and M. L. Rustgi
Comparison of Bethe's formula for magnetic-moment transitions in atoms with the generalized Rosenbluth's equation, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, and J. E. Turner
Dielectric Constant in Fluids of Classical Deformable Molecules, John D. Ramshaw
Existence of the Dielectric Constant in Fluids of Classical Deformable Molecules, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1981
Massive neutrinos and the stellar stopping power via the neutrino magnetic moment, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, J. E. Turner, and Werner Brandt
Brownian Motion in a Flowing Fluid Revisited, John D. Ramshaw
Time-Dependent Direct Correlation Function, John D. Ramshaw
Existence of the dielectric constant in dipolar fluid mixtures, John D. Ramshaw and Norman D. Hamer
Submissions from 1980
Stopping power of matter for alpha particles at extreme relativistic energies, P.T. Leung, M. L. Rustgi, and J. E. Turner
Debye–Hückel Theory for Particles of Arbitrary Electrical Structure, John D. Ramshaw
Dielectric Saturation in Dipolar Fluids. I. The Single-Molecule Distribution Function, John D. Ramshaw
Partial Chemical Equilibrium in Fluid Dynamics, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1979
Brownian Motion in a Flowing Fluid, John D. Ramshaw
Comments on the Theory of Dipolar Fluids, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1978
Existence of the Dielectric Constant in Fluids of Nonlinear Rigid Polar Molecules, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1977
Existence of the Dielectric Constant in Rigid-Dipole Fluids: The Functional-Derivative Approach, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1976
Debye–Hückel Theory for Rigid‐Dipole Fluids, John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1974
On the Reduction of Many-Body Dielectric Theories to the Onsager Equation, John D. Ramshaw
Cryogenic thin-film electron emitters, Pavel Smejtek, David G. Onn, and M. Silver
Submissions from 1973
Hot electron injection into dense argon, nitrogen, and hydrogen, Pavel Smejtek, M. Silver, K. S. Dy, and David G. Onn
Submissions from 1972
Existence of the Dielectric Constant in Rigid-Dipole Fluids: The Direct Correlation Function, John D. Ramshaw
New Method for Generating Density Expansions, John D. Ramshaw
New Thin-Film Tunnel Triode Using Amorphous Semiconductors, Pavel Smejtek, R. F. Shaw, H. Fritzsche, M. Silver, S. Holmberg, and S. R. Ovshinsky
Decay of Multiple Spin Echoes in Dipolar Solids, C. H. Wang and John D. Ramshaw
Submissions from 1971
On the Molecular Theory of Dielectric Polarization in Rigid‐Dipole Fluids, John D. Ramshaw
Dielectric Polarization and Alignment and the Structure of Polar Fluids, John D. Ramshaw, D. W. Schaefer, John S. Waugh, and J. M. Deutsch
Comment on Electron Scattering in the Image Potential Well, Pavel Smejtek and M. Silver
Submissions from 1970
Hot Electron Injection into Liquid Argon from a Tunnel Cathode, Pavel Smejtek, David G. Onn, M. Silver, and P. Kumbhare
Submissions from 1969
Steady-State and Transient Currents in Organic Liquids by Injection from a Tunnel Cathode, Pavel Smejtek, David G. Onn, and M. Silver