People and the Land: An Oral History of Oregon’s Statewide Land Use Planning Program

Interview with Greg MacPherson



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Video: mp4; File size: 255MB; Duration: 41:48

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Greg MacPherson was interviewed by Bob Rindy on June 1, 2023, in Portland, Oregon.

MacPherson spoke at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Senate Bill 100 at Portland State University on May 24, 2023. His remarks are included in an accompanying PDF file.

MacPherson is the son of former Senator Hector MacPherson, who is credited as being the main sponsor of Senate Bill 100. He was a former member of the Oregon House of Representatives and Chair of the Land Conservation and Development Commission.


Greg MacPherson is the son of Hector MacPherson, the Oregon State Senator credited with being the primary sponsor of Senate Bill 100, establishing Oregon’s land use program. MacPherson is an attorney, a former member of the Oregon House of Representatives, and a former LCDC Commission Chair.


"People and the Land" is a collaboration between the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and Portland State University. The goal of this project is to document and preserve a record of Oregon’s land use program through the recording, transcription, collection and archiving of personal oral histories. The project is intended to enable Oregon’s statewide planning agency to make a significant, abiding contribution to the body of literature that records and analyzes the politics, policy, and practices that make Oregon's land use program unique. Please note: Captions for this video are machine-generated and contain inaccuracies.


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Interview with Greg MacPherson
