Most Recent Additions*


Welcoming Historically Under-Represented Groups in Higher Education Through Awareness of Standard English Ideology
John Hellermann, Lynn Santelmann, Jennifer Mittelstaedt, Janet Cowal, and Steven L. Thorne


A Randomized Trial Comparing the Effect of Two Phone-Based Interventions on Colorectal Cancer Screening Adherence
Usha Memon, Rhonda Belue, Stéphanie Wahab, Jessica Rugen, Anita Kinney, Peter Maramaldi, Debra Wujcik, and Laura A. Szalacha


Aquatic Plant Threats to the Columbia River
Jacob Rose and Gabriel Campbell


Supporting Well-Being for the Home Visiting Workforce: Organizational Supports for Experiences of Bias & Discrimination
Beth L. Green, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Ron Joseph, Erin Gaines, and Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services

*Updated as of 02/11/25.