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Day laborers -- Health and hygeine, Climatic changes -- Effect on day laborers, Regression analysis, Temperature -- Mathematical models


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has various Global Climate Models (GCM). One of them, models three greenhouse gases. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases are just a fraction of factors that fuel global climate change. According to the IPCC 2014, climate related extremes such as heatwaves are likely to occur more regularly and are likely to increase in duration. Since 1979, there has been over 9000 deaths that occurred from heat-related incidents in the United States (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). Which brings attention to population groups who are exposed to hot temperatures on a frequent basis due to their occupation. The research questions focus on looking at the local picture and exploring what could be done at local levels to protect those susceptible to increasing temperatures. What temperature trends occur in local historical temperature data? What patterns occur in local historical monthly data? What recommendations can be made to protect vulnerable groups such as day laborers? Python was used to create a simple linear regression using data from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) climate data online. Although the simple linear regressions cannot be used to estimate precise projections for the future, they show that local yearly and monthly temperatures in the observed cities, have increased over the years. Future work would be to examine the temperature data of other cities in the United States to see if there are similar trends.


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Presentations associated with the report are available below in the Additional Files.

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mena-symposium.pdf (3613 kB)
2018 Symposium presentation

mena-ignite.pdf (2732 kB)
Ignite presentation
