Poster Competition & Printing
Important Dates
About the Poster Competition
- The Student Research Symposium recognizes students for original research achievements across a variety of disciplines.
- All posters are considered for the poster competition, but established research projects (rather than research proposals) are more likely to win.
- Successful students demonstrate valid investigation and experimentation objectives and methods. Judging and scoring criteria are as follows, with each judging criteria category scored on a scale of 1-10 (10=Outstanding, 8=Very Good, 6=Good, 4=Needs Improvement, 2=Unsatisfactory).
- There are cash prizes!! Four $100 prizes will be awarded to the top entries by graduate students, and four $100 prizes will be awarded to the top entries by undergraduate students.
- Is the problem clearly stated?
- Does the presenter demonstrate an understanding of existing knowledge about the research problem?
- Student conveys their contributions to and understanding of the research problem
- Appropriate duration of collection and data analysis
- Innovation and originality: Standard Protocol/Design; Innovative Protocol
- Appropriateness of research design and procedures
- Process skills that led to research problem and/or research design
- Identification and control of variables
- Replicability
- Clarity in communicating research results to non-specialized audiences and judges
- Appropriate selection, use, and quality of visuals
- Design and appearance of poster
- Scholarship Funds: Starting April 9, bring your university or community college ID card and your poster file on a USB stick to the Shattuck Hall Digital Lab.
- Max Poster Size: While 36” by 48” is our max allowed size, the Shattuck Hall 107 printers can go no wider than 44" so please adjust accordingly.
- File Format: PDF or common image file preferred (JPEG, TIFF, etc.). Scale the file to 100% of the final output size for the best quality.
- Paper: The scholarship covers the cost of printing on Heavyweight Matte. Posters utilizing more expensive paper options will not be billed to the scholarship and are the financial responsibility of the student placing the order.
- Quantity: Each student is limited to the printing of one poster using scholarship funds. Students wishing to print additional copies must do so at their own expense. Payment is accepted by credit card through cashnet.
- Grand Prize: Alex Vazquez-Cortes, Interpersonal Experiential Learning And Cancer Research Training Designed To Enhance The Motivation Of Participating Interns Utilizing Self-Determination Theory: A Longitudinal Study With Photovoice Methodology
- Research Project Design and Methodology: Keria N Moritsugu-Vandehey, Guide RNA Design And Delivery For CRISPR/Cas9 Editing In Annual Killifish
- Scientific Thought, Creativity/Originality: Kaisa S Holt, STEM Students and Faculty See Value In A Classroom Belonging Exercise
- Skillful Communication of Research Results: Joshua W Hootman, Dragon Pseudoscorpions Shed Light on Ancient Climate History in the Pacific Northwest
- Grand Prize: Samantha Hall, Wildland Urban Interface Growth and Development Potentials in Deschutes County
- Research Project Design and Methodology: Riley Roth-Carter, Improved Genome Maintenance And DNA Replication In The Anoxia Tolerant Annual Killifish
- Scientific Thought, Creativity/Originality: Alexandra N Henrici, Talking About Weight: Weight Stigma And Information Seeking
- Skillful Communication of Research Results: Christopher R Behrens, Modeling Of Carbon Dioxide In Portland
- Social Capital and Cross-boundary Collaboration in Wyoming Wildfire Management Networks Hannah Spencer, Environmental Science & Management; Advisor: Max Neilsen-Pincus
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Course Design and Features: An Analysis of Course Syllabi and Calendars Celine Goodbody and Hosanna Broderick, Speech & Hearing Sciences; Advisor: Brandon Eddy
- Case Study in Activist Applied Linguistics: Working with the Oregon Judicial Department for the Accessibility of Domestic Relations Information AmandaLyn Wayland, Applied Linguistics; Advisor: Janet Cowel
- Using Digital Holographic Microscopy to Characterize Vibrio’s Chemotaxis Jacqueline Acres and Eric Valentino, Physics
- Using WGCNA to Examine RNASeq Expression Data in the Annual Killifish Austrofundulus Limnaeus Patrick Clauser, Biology; Advisor: Jason Podrabsky
- Links Between Sound-Category Learning & Memory Skills in Neurotypical & Language-Learning-Disabled Adults Katharine Ross and Mario Rene Jimenez-Cruz, Speech and Hearing Sciences; Advisor: Carolyn Quam
- The Impact of Professors' Heterosexual Identity in Higher Education Classrooms Sam Barr, Psychology; Advisor: Nicholas Smith
- Parents' and Caregivers' Perspectives on Transition to Telehealth During COVID-19: Barriers and Facilitators for Children with Complex Communication Needs who use AAC Jennifer C. Hudson, Speech and Hearing Sciences; Advisor: Brandon Eddy
Judging Criteria
Statement and identification of research problem
- Scientific thought, creativity/originality
- Research design, methods, and results
- Skillful communication of research results
Poster Printing on Campus: April 9 through May 3
Scholarships to pay for poster printing will be available to all confirmed students who are presenting a poster at SRS. If you attempt to go to the Digital Lab before April 9 for free printing, they will not have your information on file.
For Lab Hours & Days of Operation, visit the Digital Facilities Website
The Digital Lab in Shattuck Hall room 107 is the campus resource for poster printing this year. This service is for all student participants, is limited to one poster, and is limited to the student who submitted the PDXScholar proposal. In other words, you cannot send a co-author to print your poster.
Printing is handled by lab assistants while you wait, and you should allow yourself ample time - 20 minutes for large print jobs, there could also be a line of students waiting to print. Evenings tend to have a quicker turnaround. Posters printed elsewhere are certainly fine to use, but the Shattuck 107 Digital Lab is the only location to utilize the scholarship funds available for this Student Research Symposium’s poster printing.
Important Information
Winners of the 2024 Poster Competition
Undergraduate Winners
Graduate Winners
(The 2023 symposium was not held.)
Winners of the 2022 Poster Competition
The posters were evaluated by a panel of judges representing PSU faculty and staff members. The winners of the poster competition are: