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Past research and planning has highlighted the existence of pedestrian injury disparities throughout the US and some local agencies have performed cursory analysis in Oregon. However, no statewide analysis of pedestrian injuries in Oregon has been completed to see how these injury outcomes differ by race and income.

This presentation aims to help better understand the factors that result in disparate pedestrian injury outcomes for different sociodemographic groups. This research uses data from a variety of sources to understand pedestrian injuries by social equity measures including income, poverty, race, ethnicity, disability and English proficiency. The authors conclude that Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) experience a higher rate of pedestrian injury compared to the statewide average.

This research also documents pedestrian injuries at the Census tract level and measures factors that influence pedestrian injury risk. Sociodemographic risk factors associated with pedestrian injury risk include race, income, disability, and limited English proficiency. Traffic exposure and built environmental factors were also influential in predicting where pedestrian injuries occur at the tract level.

Download the recent research from the Oregon DOT here.

Biographical Information

Josh Roll is the Active and Sustainable Transportation Research Coordinator with ODOT’s Research unit. He conducts and coordinates research on a variety of topics including bicycle and pedestrian travel, traffic safety, transportation decarbonization, among others. Josh enjoys using data and models to tell evidence based stories and holds out hope that with better information, transportation system managers can improve the performance of the system by reducing traffic injuries, producing less carbon emissions, and providing equitable access for everyone.

Nathan McNeil is a Research Associate at Portland State University's Center for Urban Studies. He conducts research on impacts of active transportation and transit equity, on new bicycle infrastructure and programs on travel behavior and attitudes towards cycling, on shared-use mobility programs including carsharing and bike-share, and on the connection between land-use and transportation. He was Co-Principal Investigator on recent national studies of bike share equity (Breaking Barrier to Bike Share and National Scan of Bike Share Equity Programs) and of protected bike lane implementations (Lessons from the Green Lanes). Nathan received a master of urban and regional planning from Portland State University (PSU) and studied history at Columbia University as an undergraduate. Prior to PSU, Nathan worked for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York City as a performance auditor where he evaluated capital programs and contractors.


Traffic engineering, Pedestrians, Transportation -- Planning -- Oregon -- Portland, Social justice


Social Justice | Transportation | Urban Studies

Persistent Identifier

Pedestrian Safety and Social Equity in Oregon



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