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Loblolly pine, Plants -- Nutrition, Forest ecology


Nutrient uptake is generally thought to exhibit a simple seasonal pattern, but few studies have measured temporal variation of nutrient uptake capacity in mature trees. We measured net uptake capacity of K, NH+ 4, NO 3 −, Mg and Ca across a range of solution concentrations by roots of mature loblolly pine at Calhoun Experimental Forest in October 2001, July 2001, and April 2002. Uptake capacity was generally lowest in July; rates in October were similar to those in April. Across a range of concentrations, antecedent nutrient solution concentrations affected the temporal patterns in uptake in July but not in October or April. In July, uptake of NH+ 4, Mg and Ca was positively correlated with concentration when roots were exposed to successively lower concentrations, but negatively correlated with concentration when exposed to successively higher concentrations. In contrast, uptake in October was constant across the range of concentrations, while uptake increased with concentration in April. As in studies of other species, we found greater uptake of NH+ 4 than NO 3 −. Temporal patterns of uptake capacity are difficult to predict, and our results indicate that experimental conditions, such as experiment duration, antecedent root conditions and nutrient solution concentration, affect measured rates of nutrient uptake.


this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Plant and Soil. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version is available at:

*At the time of publication Melissa Lucash was affiliated with State University of New York.



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