Submissions from 2025
Recovering Population of the Southern Sea Otter Suppresses a Global Marine Invader, Rikke Jeppesen, Catherine E. de Rivera, Edwin D. Grosholz, M. Tim Tinker, Brent B. Hughes, Ron Eby, and Kerstin Wasson
Submissions from 2024
Quick Guide to Aquatic Weeds of Oregon, Gabriel E. Campbell, Ashley Newcomb, and Jacob Rose
Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus) ID Guide for the Columbia River, Gabriel Campbell and Jacob Rose
Beyond Environmental Harm: Industry Claims, Lived Experiences, and the Impacts of Gas Extraction, Martina Angela Caretta, Melissa Haeffner, Ryan Emanuel, Racheal Hood, and Julia Seydel
Application of Participatory Process Mapping to Evaluate Environmental Decision-Making and Implementation, Karissa Courtney, Emily Rabung, Jennifer Brousseau, Antony S. Cheng, A. Paige Fischer, Harrison Fried, Matthew Hamilton, Federico Holm, Jordan Inskeep, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and multiple additional authors
An Index of Biotic Integrity for Macroinvertebrate Stream Bioassessment Conducted by Community Scientists, Patrick M. Edwards, Daniel Bedell, Shannon Hubler, Chad A. Larson, Kate H. Macneale, Elisa Mickelson, Chris Prescott, Elinore Webb, and Jo Wilhelm
Reconnecting a Stream Channel to its Floodplain: implications for benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrate trophic structure, Patrick M. Edwards, Nicole C. Popp, Yangdong Pan, Christine L. Weilhoefer, Aspen Peterman, Lauren Mork, Matthew F. Johnson, Megan Colley, and multiple additional authors
When Overextended Surface Allocation Turns to Groundwater: a Q Methodology of Well Users in Oregon’s High Desert, Melissa Haeffner, Janet Cowal, Brandy Walker, and Clare McClellan
Editorial: Innovating a new knowledge base for water justice studies: hydrosocial, sociohydrology, and beyond, Melissa Haeffner, Jenia Mukherjee, Rebecca Lave, Jamie Linton, John Ndiritu, Raul Pacheco-Vega, Maria Ruska, and Margreet Zwarteveen
Matching the Scales of Planning and Environmental Risk: an Evaluation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans in the Western US, Matthew Hamilton, Cody Evers, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Alan Ager
Watershed, Lake, and Food web factors influence diazotrophic cyanobacteria in mountain lakes, Lara Jansen, Daniel Sobota, Yangdong Pan, and Angela Strecker
Rising Water Temperature in Rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience, Matthew F. Johnson, Lindsey K. Albertson, Adam C. Algar, Stephen J. Dugdale, Patrick Edwards, Judy England, Christopher Gibbins, and multiple additional authors
Altitude-Driven Variations in Chrysophycean Stomatocyst Assemblages: Implications for Climate Reconstructions in the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Area, China, Yanling Li, Qi Liu, Yangdong Pan, and Wanting Pang
Where the Rubber meets the Road: Emerging environmental impacts of Tire Wear particles and their chemical cocktails, Paul M. Mayer, Kelly D. Moran, Susanne Brander, Stacey L. Harper, Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo, Elise F. Granek, and multiple additional authors
Inefficiencies in Water Supply and Perceptions of Water Use in Peri-Urban and Rural Water Supply Systems: Case Study in Cali and Restrepo, Colombia, Diana Carolina Callejas Moncaleano, Saket Pande, Melissa Haeffner, Juan Pablo Rodríguez Sánchez, and Luuk Rietveld
Floodplain Restoration and Its Effects on Summer Water Temperature and Macroinvertebrates in Whychus Creek, Oregon (USA), Wesley N. Noone, Patrick M. Edwards, Yangdong Pan, and Colin R. Thorne
Development and Application of an Algae Multi-Metric Index to Inform Ecologically Relevant Nitrogen Reduction Targets, Scott L. Rollins, Charles Ritz, Pam Krone, R. Jan Stevenson, Yangdong Pan, Nadia Gillett, and Marc Los Huertos
How Does Herbicide Resistance Change Farmer’s Weed Management Decisions? Evidence from the Roundup Ready Experiment, Huichun Sun, Terrance Hurley, George B. Frisvold, Katherine Dentzman, David Ervin, Wesley Everman, Jeffrey Gunsolus, Jason Norsworthy, and Micheal Owen
Modelling Postfire Recovery of Snow Albedo and Forest Structure to Understand Drivers of Decades of Reduced Snow Water Storage and Advanced Snowmelt Timing, A. Surunis and K. E. Gleason
Non-native Rhizophora mangle as Sinks for Coastal Contamination on Moloka’i, Hawai’i, Geoffrey Szafranski, Elise F. Granek, Michelle L. Hladik, and Mia Hackett
From the Ocean to Our Kitchen Table: Anthropogenic Particles in the Edible Tissue of U.S.. West Coast Seafood Species, Summer D. Traylor, Elise F. Granek, Marilyn Duncan, and Susanne Brander
Submissions from 2023
Place for Sociohydrology in Sustainable and Climate-resilient agriculture: Review and ways forward, Soham Adla, Mohammad Faiz Alam, Melissa Haeffner, and Murugesu Sivapalan
Spartina Species Invasive in Coastal Salt Marshes and Mudflats of the Pacific Northwest, Gabriel Campbell, Ashley Newcomb, and Jacob Rose
Ppcps in Coastal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent and Uptake by Pacific Oysters (crassostrea Gigas): Findings from a Laboratory Experiment, Amy L. Ehrhart and Elise F. Granek
Evapotranspiration of Residential Lawns Across the United States, Noortje H. Grijseels, Elizaveta Litvak, Meghan Avolio, Anika R. Bratt, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Peter M. Groffman, Sarah E. Hobbie, Susannah B. Lerman, Jennifer L. Morse, and multiple additional authors
Long-term Phosphorus Reduction and phytoplankton responses in an urban lake (USA), Yuan Xiao Grund, Yangdong Pan, Mark Rosenkranz, and Eugene Foster
Categorizing Relative Water Use Perception Bias Using Household Surveys and Monthly Water Bills., Melissa Haeffner, Douglas Jackson-Smith, and Matthew J. Barnett
Wildfire Risk Governance from the bottom up: linking local planning processes in fragmented landscapes, Matthew Hamilton, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Cody Evers
At the Interfaces of the Hydrologic Sciences: Connecting Water, Elements, Ecosystems, and People Through the Major Contributions of Dr. Emily Bernhardt, Ashley M. Helton, Jennifer L. Morse, Elizabeth B. Sudduth, Marcelo Ardon, Raven Bier, Kristofor A. Voss, Matthew R. V. Ross, Joanna R. Blaszczak, Jessica E. Brandt, Marie Simonin, Jennifer D. Rocca, Alice Carter, Jacqueline R. Gerson, Emily A. Ury, and Michael J. Vlah
Exploring and Testing Wildfire Risk Decision-Making in the Face of Deep Uncertainty, Bart R. Johnson, Alan A. Ager, Cody Evers, David Hulse, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and John P. Bolte
Coastal Wetland Restoration through the lens of Odum's theory of ecosystem development, Friedrich W. Keppeler, Annette S. Engel, Linda M. Hooper-Bùi, Paola C. López-Duarte, Charles W. Martin, Jill A. Olin, Katelyn J. Lamb, Michael J. Polito, Nancy N. Rabalais, and multiple additional authors
Woody Plant-Soil Relationships in Interstitial Spaces Have Implications for Future Forests Within and Beyond Urban Areas, Gisselle A. Mejia, Peter M. Groffman, Meghan L. Avolio, Anika R. Bratt, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Noortje H. Grijseels, Sharon J. Hall, James Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Susannah B. Lerman, Jennifer L. Morse, Desiree L. Narango, Christopher Neill, Josep Padulles Cubino, and Tara L. E. Trammell
Contamination in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Synthesis of Literature Reviews Across Multiple Contaminant Categories., Geoffrey T. Szafranski and Elise F. Granek
Submissions from 2022
Herbicide-Resistance in Turf Systems: Insights and Options for Managing Complexity, Jennifer H. Allen, David Ervin, George Frisvold, James T. Brosnan, James D. McCurdy, Rebecca G. Bowling, Aaron J. Patton, Matthew T. Elmore, Travis W. Gannon, Lambert B. McCarty, and multiple additional authors
Citizen Science across Two Centuries Reveals Phenological Change among Plant Species and Functional Groups in the Northeastern US, Kerissa Battle, Anna Duhon, Conrad R. Vispo, Theresa M. Crimmins, Todd Rosenstiel, Lilas L. Armstrong-Davies, and Catherine de Rivera
Visualizing Connectivity for Wildlife in a World Without Roads, Catherine de Rivera, Leslie Bliss-Ketchum, Martin Lafrenz, A. V. Hanson, L. E. McKinney-Wise, A. H. Rodriguez, J. Schultz, Alana Simmons, D. Taylor Rodriguez, and multiple additional authors
River Discharge Mediates Extent of Phytoplankton and Harmful Algal Bloom Habitat in the Columbia River Estuary (USA) During North Pacific Marine Heat Waves, Taylor N. Dodrill, Yangdong Pan, and Tawnya D. Peterson
Extreme Winds Alter Influence of Fuels and Topography on Megafire Burn Severity in Seasonal Temperate Rainforests under Record Fuel Aridity, Cody Evers, Andres Holz, Sebastian Upton Busby, and Max Nielsen-Pincus
Mussel Squeeze: Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature can “Squeeze” Zebra Mussels out of Invaded Reservoirs, Crysta Gantz, Rich Miller, Steve Wells, Mark D. Sytsma, and Angela Strecker
Forest Fire Effects on Landscape Snow Albedo Recovery and Decay, Max Gersh, Kelly E. Gleason, and Anton Surunis
Black Carbon Dominated Dust in Recent Radiative Forcing on Rocky Mountain Snowpacks, Kelly E. Gleason, Joseph R. McConnell, Monica M. Arienzo, Graham Sexstone, and Stefan Rahimi
The Impact of Human Activity on Coastal Zones with Elise Granek, Elise F. Granek
Forest Carbon Incentive Programs for Non-Industrial Private Forests in Oregon (USA): Impacts of Program Design on Willingness to Enroll and landscape-scale program outcomes, Rose A. Graves, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Ryan D. Haugo, and Andres Holz
Discussion of “Guiding Principles for Hydrologists Conducting Interdisciplinary Research and Fieldwork with Participants”, Melissa Haeffner
Expanding Collaborative Autoethnography into the World of Natural Science for Transdisciplinary Teams, Melissa Haeffner, Fern Hames, Margaret M. Barbour, Jessica M. Reeves, Ghislaine Platell, and Samantha Grover
Ecosystem Connectivity for Livable Cities: a Connectivity Benefits Framework for Urban Planning, Carole Hardy, Catherine de Rivera, Leslie Bliss-Ketchum, Eric P. Butler, Sahan Dissanayake, Dorothy A. Horn, Ben Huffine, Amanda M. Temple, Michael Vermeulen, Hailey Wallace, and Jennifer Michelle Karps
Performance of an Environmentally-Aligned, Low Maintenance flood Alleviation Scheme on the Burn of Mosset, Forres, Scotland, Matthew F. Johnson, Patrick Edwards, Rachael Todd, Janine M. Castro, and Colin R. Thorne
Standardized Neon Organismal Data for Biodiversity Research, Daijiang Li, Sydne Record, Eric R. Sokol, Matthew E. Bitters, Melissa Y. Chen, Ruvi Jaimes, Matthew R. Helmus, Lara Jansen, Marta A. Jarzyna, and multiple additional authors
Drivers of Spatiotemporal Eukaryote Plankton Distribution in a Trans-Basin Water Transfer Canal in China, Yuying Li, Faisal Hayat Khan, Jiamin Wu, Yun Zhang, Yeqing Jiang, Xiaonuo Chen, Yinlei Yao, Yangdong Pan, and Xuemei Han
A Probable Case of Leprosy from Colonial Period St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Southeastern Caribbean, Greg C. Nelson, Taylor Nicole Dodrill, and Scott M. Fitzpatrick
Engagement in Local and Collaborative Wildfire Risk Mitigation Planning across the Western U.S.—Evaluating Participation and Diversity in Community Wildfire Protection Plans, Emily Palsa, Cody Evers, Matt Hamilton, and Max Nielsen-Pincus
Never Ask for a Lighter Rain but a Stronger Umbrella, Anurag Pande, Melissa Haeffner, Günter Blöschl, Mohammad Faiz Alam, Cyndi Castro, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky, Rick Hogeboom, Heidi Kreibich, and multiple additional authors
Causes of Aquatic Ecosystem Degradation Related to Tourism and the Feasibility of Restoration for Karst Nature Reserves, Wanting Pang, Yangdong Pan, Qingmin You, Yong Cao, Lizhu Wang, Guiping Deng, and Quanxi Wang
Assessing the Absorption and Economic Impact of Suppression and Repair Spending of the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire, Oregon, Danny Politoski, Ruth Dittrich, and Max Nielsen-Pincus
The Consequential Role of Aesthetics in Forest Fuels Reduction Propensities: Diverse Landowners’ Attitudes and Responses to Project Types, Risks, Costs, and Habitat Benefits, Robert G. Ribe, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Chris Enright, Bart R. Johnson, and David Hulse
Variability of Potential Soil Nitrogen Cycling Rates in Stormwater Bioretention Facilities, Erin N. Rivers and Jennifer L. Morse
Ecological homogenization of oil Properties in the American Residential Macrosystem, Christopher D. Ryan, Peter M. Groffman, J. Morgan Grove, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Dexter H. Locke, Jennifer L. Morse, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Tara Trammell, and multiple additional authors
Predicting Springtime Herbicide Exposure across Multiple scales in Pacific Coastal Drainages (Oregon, USA), Kaegan Michael Scully-Engelmeyer and Elise F. Granek
Response of Soil Respiration to Changes in Soil temperature and water table level in Drained and Restored Peatlands of the Southeastern United States, E. E. Swails, K. Krauss, Marcelo Ardón, A. L. Peralta, A. M. Helton, Jennifer L. Morse, and multiple additional authors
Can Diatom Motility Indices Reflect excess Fine Sediment Condition in Streams?, Christine L. Weilhoefer and Yangdong Pan
On Capturing Human Agency and Methodological Interdisciplinarity in socio-hydrology Research, David J. Yu, Melissa Haeffner, Hanseok Jeong, Saket Pande, Juliane Dame, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Glenda Garcia-Santos, Leon Hermans, Rashata Muneepeerakul, and multiple additional authors
Using an Affinity Analysis to Identify Phytoplankton Associations, Weiju Zhu, Zhaojian Ding, Yangdong Pan, and Quanxi Wang
Submissions from 2021
Predicting Paradise: Modeling Future Wildfire Disasters in the Western US., Alan A. Ager, Michelle A. Day, Fermin J. Alcasena, Cody R. Evers, Karen C. Short, and Isaac Grenfell
Planning for Future Fire: Scenario Analysis of an Accelerated Fuel Reduction Plan for the Western United States, Alan A. Ager, Cody Evers, Michelle A. Day, Fermin J. Alcasena, and Rachel Houtman
Poised for Change: University Students Are Positively Disposed Toward Food Waste Diversion and Decrease Individual Food Waste After Programming, Manar Arica Alattar and Jennifer L. Morse
The Diversity Bonus in Pooling Local Knowledge About Complex Problems., Payam Aminpour, Steven A. Gray, Alison Singer, Steven B. Scyphers, Antoine J. Jetter, Rebecca Jordan, Robert Murphy, and Jonathan H. Grabowski
Alpine Ice-Core Evidence of a Large Increase in Vanadium and Molybdenum Pollution in Western Europe During the 20th Century, Monica M. Arienzo, Michel Legrand, Susanne Preunkert, Andreas Stohl, Nathan Chellman, Sabine Eckhardt, Kelly E. Gleason, and Joseph R. McConnell
Aquarium Visitor Engagement with an Ocean Plastics Exhibit: Effects on Self-Reported Intended Single-Use Plastic Reductions and Plastic-Related Environmental Stewardship Actions, Britta R. Baechler, Elise F. Granek, Kerry A. Carlin-Morgan, Tina E. Smith, and Max Nielsen-Pincus
Habitat, Geophysical, and Eco-Social Connectivity: Benefits of Resilient Socio-Ecological Landscapes, Eric P. Butler, Leslie L. Bliss-Ketchum, Catherine E. de Rivera, Sahan T. M. Dissanayake, Carole L. Hardy, Dorothy A. Horn, Ben Huffine, Amanda M. Temple, Michael E. Vermeulen, and Hailey Wallace
Effect of Management on Water Quality and Perception of Ecosystem Services Provided by an Urban Lake, Laura Costadone, Mark D. Sytsma, Yangdong Pan, and Mark Rosenkranz
Investigating Ecological Disturbance in Streams, Patrick M. Edwards, Megan Colley, and Angie Shroufe
Pharmaceuticals and Alkylphenols in Transplanted Pacific Oysters (crassostrea Gigas): Spatial Variation and Growth Effects, Amy L. Ehrhart and Elise F. Granek
Stage-Specific Overcompensation, the Hydra Effect, and the Failure to Eradicate an Invasive Predator, Edwin Grosholz, Gail Ashton, Marko Bradley, Chris Brown, Lina Ceballos-Osuna, Andrew L. Chang, Catherine de Rivera, Julie Gonzalez, Marcella Heineke, Michelle Marraffini, Linda McCann, Erica Pollard, Ian Pritchard, Gregory Ruiz, Brian Turner, and Carolyn Tepolt
Representation Justice As a Research Agenda for Socio-Hydrology and Water Governance, Melissa Haeffner, Dana E. Hellman, Alida Cantor, Idowu Ajibade, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Maura Kelly, Laura Schifman, and Lisa Weasel
Factors That Influence On-Farm Decision-Making: Evidence from Weed Management, Raymond A. Jussaume Jr, Katherine Dentzman, George Frisvold, David E. Ervin, and Micheal Owen
Transition of Water Quality Policies in Oregon, USA and South Korea: a Historical Socio-Hydrological Approach, Hojeong Kim, Eugene Foster, and Heejun Chang
Drivers of Zooplankton Community Composition in a Novel Ecosystem: Hawai'i Mangroves as a Case Study, Casey Lynette Lewis and Elise F. Granek
Public Perceptions of Ocean Health and Marine Protection: Drivers of Support for Oregon’s Marine Reserves, Paul Manson, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Elise F. Granek, and Thomas C. Swearingen
Hemispheric Black Carbon Increase After the 13th-Century Māori Arrival in New Zealand, Joseph R. McConnell, Nathan J. Chellman, Robert Mulvaney, Sabine Eckhardt, Andreas Stohl, Gill Plunkett, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Johannes Freitag, Elisabeth Isaksson, Kelly E. Gleason, Sandra O. Brugger, David B. McWethy, Nerilie J. Abram, Pengfei Liu, and Alberto J. Aristarain
Socio-Ecological Perceptions of Wildfire Management and Effects in Greece, Palaiologos Palaiologou, Kostas Kalabokidis, Andreas Troumbis, Michelle A. Day, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Alan A. Ager
Participatory GIS Mapping Highlights Indirect Use and Existence Values of Coastal Resources and Marine Conservation Areas, Kaegan M. Scully‐Engelmeyer, Elise F. Granek, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Greg Brown
Exploring Biophysical Linkages Between Coastal Forestry Management Practices and Aquatic Bivalve Contaminant Exposure, Kaegan M. Scully‐Engelmeyer, Elise F. Granek, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Andy Lanier, Steven S. Rumrill, Patrick Moran, Elena Nilsen, Michelle L. Hladik, and Lori Pillsbury
Forest Fires Reduce Snow-Water Storage and Advance the Timing of Snowmelt across the Western U.S., Emily E. Smoot and Kelly E. Gleason
A New Agent-Based Model Provides Insight Into Assumptions in Modeling Forest Management Under Deep Uncertainty, Garry Sotnik, Robert M. Scheller, Brooke Alyce Cassell, and Matthew Joshua Duveneck
Balanced Polymorphism Fuels Rapid Selection in an Invasive Crab Despite High Gene Flow and Low Genetic Diversity., C K. Tepolt, E D. Grosholz, Catherine E. de Rivera, and G M. Ruiz
The Silence of the Clams: Forestry Registered Pesticides As Multiple Stressors on Soft-Shell Clams., Alexandra G. Tissot, Elise F. Granek, Anne W. Thompson, Michelle L. Hladik, Patrick W. Moran, and Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer
Climate Change and Water Governance: Decision Making for Individual Vineyard Owners in Global Wine Regions, Erin Upton and Max Nielsen-Pincus
Influence of Cyanobacterial Blooms and Environmental Variation on Zooplankton and Eukaryotic Phytoplankton in a Large, Shallow, Eutrophic Lake in China., Kun Zhao, Lizhu Wang, Qingmin You, Yangdong Pan, Tengteng Liu, Yidao Zhou, Junyi Zhang, Wanting Pang, and Quanxi Wang
Submissions from 2020
Food Waste Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions Among University Students, Manar Arica Alattar, James DeLaney, Jennifer L. Morse, and Max Nielsen-Pincus
Translational Molecular Ecology in Practice: Linking Dna-Based Methods to Actionable Marine Environmental Management., Eva Aylagas, Angel Borja, Xavier Pochon, Anastasija Zaiko, Nigel Keeley, Kat Bruce, Peiying Hong, Gregory M. Ruiz, Eric D. Stein, and multiple additional authors
Microplastic Exposure by Razor Clam Recreational Harvester-Consumers Along a Sparsely Populated Coastline, Britta Baechler, Scott J. Mazzone, Elise F. Granek, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Susanne Brander
A Multilevel Analysis of the Drivers of Household Water Consumption in a Semi-arid Region, Matthew J. Barnett, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Melissa Haeffner
Wildland Fire Reburning Trends Across the US West Suggest Only Short-Term Negative Feedback and Differing Climatic Effects, Brian Buma, Shelby A. Weiss, K. Hayes, and Melissa S. Lucash
From Forests to Fish: Mercury in Mountain Lake Food Webs Influenced by Factors at Multiple Scales, Ariana M. Chiapella, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, and Angela L. Strecker
Fatty Acid Stable Isotopes Add Clarity, but Also Complexity, to Tracing Energy Pathways in Aquatic Food Webs, Ariana M. Chiapella, Martin J. Kainz, and Angela L. Strecker
Using Diatoms to Assess River Restoration: A Pilot Study in Whychus Creek, Oregon, USA, Patrick M. Edwards, Yangdong Pan, Lauren Mork, and Colin R. Thorne
Leftover Drug Disposal: Customer Behavior, Pharmacist Recommendations, and Obstacles to Drug Take-Back Box Implementation, Amy L. Ehrhart, Elise F. Granek, Max Nielsen-Pincus, and Dorothy Horn
Do Farmers Manage weeds on Owned and Rented Land Differently? Evidence from U.S. Corn and Soybean Farms, George Frisvold, Joshua Albright, David Ervin, Micheal Owen, Jason Norsworthy, Katherine E. Dentzman, Terrance M. Hurley, Raymond A. Jussaume, Jeffrey Gunsolus, and Wesley Everman
Forest Density Intensifies the Importance of Snowpack to Growth in Water-Limited Pine Forests, Kelly E. Gleason, John B. Bradford, Anthony W. D'Amato, Shawn Fraver, Brian J. Palik, and Michael A. Battaglia
Microplastics in Aquatic Organisms: Improving Understanding and Identifying Research Directions for the Next Decade, Elise F. Granek, Susanne Brander, and E. B. Holland