First Advisor

Melissa Thompson

Date of Award

Spring 6-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology and University Honors






machismo, intimate partner violence, effects of IPV, pregnant women, Mexico


This thesis aims to understand the effects of machismo and its link to intimate partner violence against pregnant women in Mexico. Machismo is a common underlying social norm in Latin America with Mexico being my target of interest. The term is defined as extreme masculinity that often contributes to gender inequalities and can have violent characteristics. Intimate partner violence is categorized as violent threats or acts against a partner and affects nearly 44% of women in Mexico (Carney et al., 2022). Barriers to help stem from shame, family expectations, and the overall violence against women in Mexico. Sadly, abuse persists throughout pregnancy. Pregnant women are much more vulnerable to stressors and violence as it can affect children prenatally and cause maternal complications. Some of the psychological consequences resulting from IPV involve depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, poor eating habits, and drug use (Lara et al., 2014; Ortega Ceballos et al., 2023). The goal of this thesis is to propel additional research into the effects of intimate partner violence against pregnant women and implement governmental resources to aid women and children facing IPV.
