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Long-term care of the sick, Older people -- Care -- Employees -- Interviews -- Oregon, Long-term care facilities, Congregate housing, Group homes for older people -- Oregon – Social aspects, Group homes for older people -- Oregon -- Social aspects, Social justice


The voices and experiences of those working and living in assisted living, residential care, and memory care (AL/RC) settings in Oregon are highlighted in this study to understand cultural humility, belonging, inclusion, and intersectional experiences related to sustaining the workforce and promoting quality care. This qualitative study collected data through individual and focus group interviews with a total of 68 people, including 25 direct care staff, voice memos or interviews with 9 former direct care staff, interviews with 9 administrators, interviews with 7 management representatives (owner/operators, human resources specialists, directors of operations, among other titles), and interviews with 18 current residents in AL/RC settings in Oregon.


© 2024 Portland State University

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