Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2016


Foster home care -- Oregon, Older people -- Care -- Oregon


This report describes adult foster homes in Oregon. An adult foster home (AFH) is a type of licensed community-based care (CBC) setting that provides residential, personal care, and health-related services, primarily to older adults. The study collected information from adult foster homes to achieve the following four main goals.

  1. Describe adult foster home characteristics, including staffing types and levels, policies, and monthly charges and fees
  2. Describe current residents’ health and social characteristics
  3. Compare current results to prior Oregon surveys and to national studies of similar setting types to identify changes and possible trends
  4. Compare setting types for differences that might affect access, quality, or costs

The study findings are intended to provide information that state agency staff, legislators, community-based care providers, and consumers may use to guide their decisions. Providing state-level information was one of the goals of Oregon’s LTC 3.0 planning process.


This report was prepared in collaboration with the following stakeholders: Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Health Care Association, Leading Age Oregon, and Concepts in Community Living, LLC.

The Adult Foster Home Chartbook is available in the Additional Files below.

Persistent Identifier

AFH_Chartbook_Final-2016.pdf (911 kB)
Adult Foster Homes Chartbook
