
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What type of work does Anthós publish?
      Anthós publishes original scholarly articles produced by Portland State Honors College students.

      For more information about Anthós, please visit our About this Journal page, linked here.
      For an example of published works, consider reading our recent issues, linked here.
      For more information about Submission Guidelines, please visit our Submission Policies page, linked here.
  2. Can I submit creative writing to Anthós?
      Because Anthós focuses on scholarly works, we do not publish creative writing. Portland State University students are encouraged to submit their creative pieces to Pathos, the PSU student-run literary magazine, linked here.
  3. Can I submit my Honors thesis to Anthós?
      Because completed Honors theses are already published on PDX Scholar, Portland State’s open access repository for scholarly and creative works, Anthós will not consider Honors theses for publication.

      Additionally, Honors theses tend to be longer than our required word count (2000-3000 words) For more information about Submission Guidelines and Formatting Requirements, please visit our Submission Policies page, linked here.

  4. Does Anthós accept simultaneous submissions (submitting the same work to more than one journal at the same time)?
      No; if you choose to submit to Anthós, we ask that you refrain from submitting elsewhere until the Board has notified you of our decision.
  5. Does Anthós accept multiple submissions from the same author?
      No. Anthós encourages authors to submit their best, most polished work for consideration.
  6. What are the benefits of submitting work and publishing in Anthós?
      Anthós provides Honors students the opportunity to engage with the publication process through a student-run, faculty-reviewed academic journal committed to publishing excellent undergraduate scholarship. Aside from being an impressive addition to your CV or resume, it is a great chance to share your scholarly work with an audience beyond PSU, as Anthós is read around the world.

  7. What should I expect once my paper is submitted?
      Please refer to our Submission Policies page, linked here.
  8. What does single-blind review mean?
      For more information on our single-blind review process, please refer to the section on our Submission Policies page, linked here.
  9. Is there a preferred discipline for articles?
      Articles published in Anthós cover a broad range of interdisciplinary studies, and the Editorial Board welcomes submissions from any field of a scholarly nature.

      For a better idea of the types of papers published in Anthós, we encourage you to peruse our recent issues, linked here.

  10. Can I publish my article elsewhere after being accepted by Anthós?
      No. Please see our Creative Commons and Open Access information, linked here.