
Submission Policies

Submission Policies and Processes

Who Can Submit?

Anthós accepts submissions of original articles from current Portland State University Honors College students. Please review the submission guidelines and formatting requirements below prior to submission.

Submission Guidelines

The Anthós journal requires articles to have a clear and authoritative thesis statement and argument, present relevant and logical evidence to support the argument, and be written in the academic language of the paper’s discipline.Anthós follows the Chicago Manual of Style; please see the formatting requirements for more details.

To submit a paper:

  • You must be the author.
  • Author(s) must be a current Portland State University Honors College undergraduate student.
  • The author(s) must have agreed to submit the paper to the Journal and accept full responsibility for the content of the paper.
  • The paper must be the Author(s) original work. It must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements that infringe on the rights or privacy of others or contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury.
  • The paper must not have been previously published, is not pending review elsewhere, and will not be submitted for review elsewhere pending the completion of the editorial decision process at the Journal.

Formatting Requirements

Anthós requires submitted papers to be in a Microsoft Word document, and should be between 2,000-3,000 words. Anthós uses Chicago Manual of Style formatting guidelines, and we ask that authors adhere to this style as closely as possible. At minimum, papers require:

  • Chicago Manual of Style notes and bibliography
  • Times New Roman 12-point font
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double-spaced
  • Paragraphs begin with a 1/2-inch indent

Submission-to-Publications Process:

The Anthós editorial board will begin accepting submissions at the start of Fall Quarter and begin considering submissions at the start of Winter Quarter. Upon submission, authors will receive email confirmation that their work has been uploaded to the Anthós review platform. When editors begin the review process, authors can expect to receive a second email confirming their submission is actively under consideration.

Authors will be notified if the editorial board will be moving forward with their article for single-blind review by the end of Winter Quarter. Selected articles will then be reviewed by a faculty member with expertise in the same subject matter.

Authors will be expected to revise their papers throughout the Spring Term, in response to the faculty reviewer's feedback and guidance from the editorial board. Revisions may include significant and slight changes regarding development of the argument, evidence, organization, and/or copy edits. Authors should expect to be in regular communication with Anthós editors during revision. Authors will be required to complete revisions by a given deadline. Neglecting to engage in the revision process and communicate in a timely manner with Anthós editors or submit revised work by the expected deadline might result in the article’s exclusion from publication.

Following the collaborative revision process, the editorial board will copy-edit and finalize the article for publication in the issue.

Anthós will be published and accessible in June 2025. The deadline to submit for the 2024/2025 issue is February 14th, 2025.

What is a single-anonymized review?

Anthós is a scholarly journal that requires peer review by experts in the field to assess legitimacy and prestige of submissions before publication. This process provides trustworthiness to the journal and authors alike.

This journal uses a single-anonymized review process. The author’s identity is known to the reviewer, but the reviewer’s identity is not known by the author. This process allows the reviewer to remain anonymous and provide honest analysis of the submitted research. Anthós is dedicated to excellence informed by Portland State University’s anti-discrimination policies and student conduct policies. As such, the editorial board will do everything in its power to reduce bias and treat every submitter equitably. As an undergraduate journal that publishes students' work assigned by the reviwing faculty, a common occurence is that the faculty member is the same one who assigned the paper they are asked to review. Due to this circumstance, Anthós is unable to guarantee the anonymity of submissions to reviewers. For more information on, please see Anthós’s Publication Ethics Statement.

Creative Commons and Open access

Copyright and Rights for Authors

Anthós authors retain ownership of their published works. Authors extend to Anthós the right to redistribute published works by way of indices, archives, bibliographic databases, and other relevant sources. This extension allows the authors' copyrighted content to be included in some sources maintained by for-profit companies. All other rights of redistribution are licensed by Anthós under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.